Mirena Plaintiffs Prepare Response to Bayer’s Summary Judgment Motion

Bayer is still trying to shake liability for the thousands of injuries its Mirena Intrauterine Device (IUD) has caused. Back in March, they convinced U.S. District Judge Cathy Seibel to bar certain of plaintiffs’ expert witnesses from offering testimony, figuring that without expert testimony on causation, plaintiffs would lose. However, the case hasn’t been dismissed. Yet. Bayer filed a motion for summary judgment – legalese for a judgment in one party’s favor based on the entire case’s merits or on certain issues – on May 4, 2016. Now, Mirena plaintiffs prepare response to Bayer’s summary judgment motion.

Women’s Health Bills are now in Committee

Three important pieces of legislation, one introduced last year and two introduced this month, could change the way certain women’s health issues are handled. These women’s health bills are now in Committee. The bills were introduced by Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA), a long-time supporter of women’s health causes and champion of the move to reform the FDA’s broken processes for medical device approval.

Feel Good Friday: Looking for Bike-friendly Lawyers? Here They Are!

In today’s world, you know you can rely on yourself. That’s especially true when it comes to safely hitting the roads. As they say, “It’s the other drivers you can’t trust.” What do you do when you’re injured on the road? Call your insurance company and get a lawyer. When bikers are injured though, they often face a “double-whammy”: they’re injured and sometimes their lawyers don’t grasp their needs. Today’s Feel Good Friday is about a local Texas firm that just happens to understand our friends on two wheels because one of its lawyers used to be a biker. Are you looking for bike-friendly lawyers? Here they are!

Feel Good Friday: One Ham Sandwich at a Time

There’s an old story about a young girl walking along a beach with her grandfather at low tide. The beach is covered with stranded starfish and, as the pair walks along, the girl picks up starfish and tosses them back into the ocean. After a time, her grandfather comments, “You know you can’t save them all. Why even try?” The girl, holding a starfish, answers, “I know. I do it because I can at least save this one,” and she returns the stranded creature to the water. Today’s Feel Good Friday isn’t about starfish; it’s about Leawood, Kansas law firm, Bartimus, Frickleton, Robertson & Goza and their efforts at giving back to their community one ham sandwich at a time.

Study Shows FDA Used Flawed Data to Approve Devices

As this was being written, Reps. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and Louise Slaughter (D-NY) were introducing a package of bills aimed at fixing the FDA’s flawed medical device approval process. WRIC.com 8News in Richmond, Virginia reports the recent release of a study that shows this proposed legislation is crucial to patient safety, especially in the area of women’s health. The study shows FDA used flawed data to approve devices, including Essure.

Takata Update Upset the Senate and One Particular Victim

The Takata airbag recall crisis is getting no better and, according to recent news, is actually getting worse. Ford has recalled nearly 2M more vehicles and the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation recently released a report of its investigation that shows some automakers are still using the defective airbag inflators in new vehicles. The Takata update upset the Senate and one particular victim.

Representative Mike Fitzpatrick Announcing Medical Device and FDA Reform Bills

On Wednesday, June 8, Representative Mike Fitzpatrick announcing medical device and FDA reform bills. The Congressman from Pennsylvania has been a consistent supporter of women’s health issues, especially as pertains to dangerous medical devices. Once again, Rep. Fitzpatrick (R-PA) is headed to DC to fight, not only for those injured women, but for reforming the FDA’s medical device approval process.

Feel Good Friday: Help the Good News Food Pantry

We’re starting a new feature here at LegalReader.com: Feel Good Friday. So often, the news we report is, well, not “feel good.” Such is the nature of legal issues; sure, we get to report on victories for justice but we also report on a lot of sad issues. Our first Feel Good Friday piece was on a local attorney in Pflugerville, Texas dedicated to giving back to his community via his work on the board of the Pflugerville Education Foundation. Then, just as I was set to cover something else, this story crossed my desk. It’s a heart warmer if ever there was one. So, I’m adding a second Feel Good Friday piece today. Let’s help the Good News Food Pantry.

Local Attorney Dedicated to Giving Back to the Community

The Pflugerville Education Foundation (PEF) recently added new members to its independent Board of Directors. The Foundation is a non-profit created by local community and business leaders and focuses on making a positive impact on public education. One of the newest Board members, Dustin Fox, is a local attorney dedicated to giving back to the community.

Bayer Lost Bid to Remove Essure Suit to Federal Court

On May 20, Big Pharma/Life Sciences giant Bayer filed a motion in federal court in the Eastern District of Missouri. Its goal? Removal of a pending suit filed in state court in St. Louis over its “permanent” birth control device, Essure. Six days later, Judge Carol E. Jackson of the Eastern District of Missouri handed down her decision on the removal request. Bayer lost bid to remove Essure suit to federal court. The judge, in effect, said that the suit was perfectly situated in the state court.