Pound Civil Justice Institute Announces 2016 Appellate Advocacy Award

The Pound Civil Justice Institute announces 2016 Appellate Advocacy Award. According to its website, the Institute “is a national legal ‘think tank’ created by pioneering members of the trial bar and dedicated to ensuring access to justice for ordinary citizens. Through its activities, the Institute works to give lawyers, judges, legal educators and the public a balanced view of the issues affecting the U.S. civil justice system.” This year’s winners of the award have certainly accomplished the mission of the Pound Civil Justice Institute.

Local Area Law Firm Opened a New Office in Austin

Saturday, May 14 was a banner day (literally) for one firm, Justinian & Associates, as the local area law firm opened a new office in Austin, Texas. Despite a rainy appearance by Mother Nature, the grand opening event was well-attended and fun for all. It also marked a special day in the history of the Texas-based firm: the addition of a third location to better serve its clients.

Millennial Jurors May Change the Face of Product Liability Trials

While no one can agree on Millennial birth dates, experts say the range is anywhere from 1980 (or the early 80s) through the mid-90s or the year 2000. In any case, this safety-conscious generation has strong views on everything from motor vehicle and other product liability issues to methods of trial presentation. In short, Millennial jurors may change the face of product liability trials.

Bayer Considers Buying Monsanto – $40B Starts Evil Empire

Soon, very soon, in a reality none of us ever expected could happen, Bayer considers buying Monsanto and the Evil Empire begins with a $40B bid. German company, Bayer AG, producer of such incredible products as Zyklon B and Essure, the “permanent” birth control device responsible for ruining tens of thousands of women’s lives, is talking to Monsanto Company, the producer of Agent Orange, Dioxin, PCBs and most recently, GMO “frankenfood” seeds about purchasing the company.

Bayer Lied about Essure Pregnancy Risks

Bayer, owner of the “permanent” birth control device Essure, knew of the risk of unwanted pregnancies after implantation of its device. That the Big Pharma giant knew is not shocking; that someone was able to uncover the information is the shocker. As many of us who advocate for the removal of this dangerous product have long believed, Bayer lied about Essure pregnancy risks.

Dear Bayer – Do You Care? A Letter about Essure

The most touching thing one can do is to put a human face on what Bayer and the FDA see as statistics only. Guess what, folks? Brianne has gone and done such an amazing job of it that I had to share. Thank you, Brianne! Here is “Dear Bayer – Do you care? A letter about Essure and doing the right thing.”

Essure Investigation and Congressional Hearing Request

A recent letter to Congressman Jason Chaffetz, written by Holly Ennis of Ennis Law and various administrators of Essure Problems, contains an Essure investigation and congressional hearing request. The request is backed by a great deal of sound reasoning and good evidence. It is a long piece, compared to our usual stories on LegalReader, but it is an important piece and, therefore, is reproduced in its entirety below.