Public Comment Instructions for FDA Essure Guidance

The Department of Health and Human Services issued the following Public Comment Instructions for FDA Essure Guidance re: Docket No. FDA-2016-D-0435]. I strongly urge all E-Sisters, Mad Men of Essure, families, supporters, doctors, caregivers, friends and anyone concerned with the crime against womens’ health known as Essure to follow these instructions and let the FDA know your opinion

VW Claims Former CEO May Have Ignored 2014 Diesel Warnings

One of Volkswagen’s main goals at the International Motor Show, held in Geneva from March 3 – 16, is keeping and rebuilding customers’ trust. According to reporter David Pollard, VW’s emissions scandal is a big topic, drawing fire even from the CEOs of VW’s rivals. VW claims former CEO may have ignored 2014 diesel warnings.

Toyota Just recalled Another 331K Vehicles Due to Takata Airbags

The recall total caused by defective airbag inflators continues to rise as Toyota just recalled another 331K vehicles due to Takata airbags. The faulty inflators can rupture – and not only during impact when one would expect them to do so – with incredible force propelling shrapnel into the vehicles’ passenger cabins similar to the way a Claymore anti-personnel mine functions.

FDA Failed Women and Left Deadly Essure on Market

Those of us who advocate for the removal of Bayer’s “permanent” birth control device, Essure, from the market, as well as the tens of thousands of innocent victims whose lives this product has destroyed have waited since September 2015 for the FDA to take action to protect innocent women. All the waiting was for naught, sadly. The FDA failed women and left deadly Essure on market.

Rep. Rosa DeLauro Spoke Out Against Essure

Rep. Rosa DeLauro spoke out against Essure during a meeting of the Appropriations Committee on February 25, 2016. The video – a short four-minutes – shows her impassioned speech, her tough questions to the FDA and the agency’s unsurprising lackluster responses. Though the numbers Rep. DeLauro opened with were lower than the actual numbers (but