Sen. Patrick Leahy on Need for Transparency in Asbestos Trusts

The FACT Act imposes unacceptable reporting requirements on those seeking compensation from the asbestos trusts. Veterans, teachers and first responders all agree that it opens them up to potential identity theft. The Ranking Member of the Committee issued a press release yesterday stating his position on the matter. I give you Sen. Patrick Leahy on need for transparency in asbestos trusts.

GSK Motion to Dismiss in Zofran MDL Denied

U.S. District Judge F. Dennis Saylor IV said, “No!” to GlaxoSmithKline PLC’s latest move in the MDL the Big Pharma giant is in over its anti-nausea drug, Zofran. The plaintiffs claim that the “off-label” use of the drug for morning sickness caused birth defects. The GSK motion to dismiss in Zofran MDL denied.

Ford Ranger Recall Comes After Tenth Takata Airbag Death

The continuing tragedy that is the Takata airbag issue has taken a turn for the worse. Michigan-based Ford Motor Co. announced Friday that it’s expanding its list of recalled vehicles to include the popular Ranger model pick-up. The Ford Ranger recall comes after tenth Takata airbag death. Ford made the announcement shortly after its officials,

Boston Scientific Used Counterfeit Resin in Vaginal Mesh Product

It reads like something out of an espionage thriller: major medical device company smuggles counterfeit materials into the U.S. and causes massive injuries to an unsuspecting public. Unfortunately, it’s far from fiction. A West Virginia plaintiff is suing claiming medical device maker Boston Scientific used counterfeit resin in vaginal mesh product.

Lipitor Litigation’s Last Gasp?

Pfizer may have got a lucky break in the Lipitor multidistrict litigation (MDL). The popular statin drug used to treat high cholesterol has been linked to the development of type-2 diabetes. Based on a recent judicial order, the Lipitor MDL plaintiffs may be facing summary judgment in Pfizer’s favor. Is this Lipitor litigation’s last gasp?

Reality of Essure

This video contains graphic surgical images. Running about seven minutes in length, this is a perfect example of the reality of Essure for tens of thousands of women around the world.

Did Bayer Violate FDA Rules Regarding Essure?

Over 25,000 women (and many men, too!) around the U.S. are holding their collective breath waiting for a federal judge in Philadelphia to decide whether five suits against Big Pharma giant Bayer will proceed. The focus of the cases: did Bayer violate FDA rules regarding Essure? If the cases move forward and the plaintiffs win,