Despite Contrary Evidence Doctors Still Promote Essure

Despite evidence to the contrary (24,000+ women’s stories), doctors are still promoting Bayer’s Essure “permanent” birth control device. This video is not, as one would expect, from the early days of Essure. It was published last year. In it, the doctor states that Essure is 100% effective as a contraceptive. Not even Bayer says that!

Essure Death

This video is two years old. Two. Years. Since then, the death toll (known to me at the time of writing) is seven. This doesn’t count women who have taken their own lives rather than continue to suffer. Two. Years. In that time, Bayer continues it’s canned responses and the FDA held a hearing. That’s pretty much

Short Video Announcing E-Free Act

While most of us know that Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick introduced the “E-Free Act” on Wednesday, there are some who may not have heard his speech. When passed, the E-Free Act will bring an end to Essure, Bayer’s “permanent” birth control device and allow injured women to take legal action.

Bard Finally Paid Damages in First Avaulta Transvaginal Mesh Case

C.R. Bard finally exhausted its appeals in the first case to go to trial involving its Avaulta transvaginal mesh product. The jury awarded plantiff Christine Scott $5.5M, split 60/40 between Bard and the operating surgeon. Bard immediately appealed. The last chance for reversal came in February 2015 and Bard broke out the checkbook in March. This was kept quiet; a reporter following the case discovered the payment by reviewing Bard’s public SEC investor reports.

Bayer CEO Retires Citing Self-care While 23,000 Women Suffer

Bayer’s CEO, Marijn Dekkers, plans to retire at the end of 2016. He states that the demands of life as a CEO put a lot of stress on his health and time. He wants to protect his health and spend more time with his family. Yet, he continually stands by the safety of a product that has devastated the lives of over 23,000 women. Essure has cost these women their health and time with their families, things that Mr. Dekkers says he values. Apparently, those things only count if your a CEO and a man.

Happy Essure Update!

An E-sister whose story I shared last month has had an amazing victory over this awful device. Her YouTube video was titled “If I Don’t Survive” and now, not only has she survived, she’s thrived!

I’ve Lost My Life Due to Essure

More and more women are coming forward to speak out against Bayer’s “permanent” birth control product Essure. The product was approved for market in 2002 and over 23,000 women have joined the Essure Problems group on Facebook looking for answers to numerous devastating adverse effects from Essure. Bayer and the FDA continue to stand by the product, even though it has caused sometimes irreparable damage.