Essure Problems Team Gained Congressional Support

The Essure Problems team gained Congressional support last week during a visit to Washington. Many of them will return to DC on Wednesday, November 4th to stand with Rep. Mike Fitzpatrice (R-PA) as he introduces the bipartisan “E-Free Act,” legislation that, if passed, may force Essure off the market as an unsafe product.

Essure Reversal Story

This video is from an E-sister who had her coils successfully removed. Her side effects began lessening within a few weeks. Her message is hopeful and she included contact information for a clinic that removes Essure.

Bayer and FDA – No Family Should Suffer This Pain

This video tells Ariel Grace’s story. This little angel was born at the 27-week point in the pregnancy. Essure caused a placental abruption – a condition in which the placenta separates from the uterine wall. She was born weighing only 1 pound 5.3 ounces and was with her family just 5 days before passing away. I will not stop telling these stories until this horrid, life-destroying product is off the market.

Slater’s FCA Oversight is One Huge Conflict of Interest

NHTSA just appointed a lobbyist working for Takata airbags to oversee Fiat Chrysler’s (FCA) recall of millions of vehicles as an “independent” monitor. Four million of the FCA vehicles recalled were on the list due to defective Takata air bags, yet neither FCA nor Mark Rosekind, head of NHTSA, see a conflict of interest. Really?

Essure Surgical Images (graphic)

Sometimes, people don’t get it when you try to explain a problem with statistics and words. Sometimes, they need to see pictures. Well, Bayer/FDA/doctors who think Essure is safe and the victims’ problems are “all in their heads,” here are some graphic Essure surgical images for you. Convinced now?

UPDATE: Fitzpatrick’s E-Free Act Would Take Essure Off the Market

Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick (R-PA) is planning to introduce the E-Free Act to Congress on November 4, 2015. This bipartisan bill would ban the dangerous Bayer product Essure from the market. Essure has caused thousands of women intense suffering despited continuous assurances from Bayer that the product is safe. While the FDA had a hearing to discuss that issue in September, no Essure victims were allowed to speak. Representatives from the advocacy groups, Essure Problems, are in Washington D.C. this week meeting with Congress to share their stories and lend support to Fitzpatrick’s bill.

Essure Causes Debilitating Skin Conditions

Essure causes debilitating skin conditions. Tamara Pimentel shares her story of the painful, bleeding rashes she suffered for 3.5 years before realizing that the nickel in her Essure implants was the cause. Upon removal of the Essure coils, Tamara’s rash soon cleared.

Essure Placement Rate Failure

Essure “permanent” birth control has an unacceptably high rate of placement failure, even when done by those with experience. Yet, the product was approved and this information was buried. Improper placement can result in organ perforation, among other things, and require surgery to remove the device.