Praxbind is the Pradaxa Antidote

The FDA granted fast track approval to Boeheringer’s latest drug offering, Praxbind. This new drug is the long-awaited antidote to new gen anticoagulant, Pradaxa. Preliminary clinical trials suggest an 89% efficacy rate within four hours of IV administration. This could be a life-saving tool for medical providers caring for patients on Pradaxa, a drug known for its high risk of uncontrollable and even fatal belleding events.

Why Suing Big Pharma Isn’t Changing Anything

Despite hundreds of lawsuits and mind-bogglingly huge settlements, Big Pharma doesn’t seem inclined to clean up its act and produce drugs that are actually safe. None of the current activities seem to matter to the industry. Here’s a look at why suing Big Pharma isn’t changing anything.

A Call to Arms: OB/GYN Speaks Out Against Essure

Dr. Julio Novoa, OG/GYN, takes a moment to detail Bayer’s untrustworthy “profits over patients” history as well as provide data on the Essure implantable “permanent” birth control device. The video explains the massive campaign of untruth maintained by Bayer regarding the safety and efficacy of the Essure product.

Did Bayer Lie About Essure?

Bayer may have tampered with data from clinical trials and patient surveys pertaining to adverse effects caused by its Essure “permanent” birth control product. Patient surveys were altered, eliminating some valuable patient feedback. An advisory panel to the FDA met in late September to discuss Essure’s safety.

Distribution Network for Daraprim May Violate Antitrust Laws

New York’s AG is investigating Martin Shkreli of Turing Pharmaceuticals for possible violation of antitrust laws. It seems Big Pharma’s bad boy has set up a distribution network for the anti-parasitic drug, Daraprim, that will all but eliminate the possibility of generic competition. Needless to say, AG Eric Schneiderman is not pleased.

Hey Bayer! #ImReal! Women Speak Out About Essure

Bayer’s Essure implantable birth control device is responsible for destroying thousands of women’s lives. They have had total hysterectomies in their early 20s, been diagnosed with fibromyalgia, lupus and even cancer. All for the sake of Bayer’s almighty bottom line. No more! Hey Bayer! #ImReal and I’m not going away!