C.R. Bard Settles Vaginal Mesh Lawsuits for $200M

C.R. Bard settles vaginal mesh lawsuits for $200M. This agreement comes after five years of expensive legal battles. Over 3,000 women claiming that implantation of Bard’s bladder or vaginal sling caused them injuries filed the suits being settled. The products are commonly used in surgeries treating stress urinary incontinence or pelvic organ prolapse. This isn’t

Lovaza May Cause Subdural Hematoma

Lovaza, a popular prescription Omega-3 fish oil, may cause subdural hematoma. Omega-3s, essential for human health, may also contribute to increased risk of bleeding. As many who suffer from chronic subdural hematoma are elderly and, therefore, more likely to need Lovaza, this risk increases. To date, GSK’s warning does not include subdural hematoma.

Baby Born with One Kidney Due to Zofran Use

Another Zofran lawsuit has been filed against GlaxoSmithKline alleging that the drug causes birth defects. G.K., a male child, was born without one kidney. He is also missing the connective tissues that would make a kidney transplant possible. Other birth defects include a deferens that is not fully functional, a defect that may limit G.K.’s sexual function as an adult and make it impossible for him to father a child.

Cymbalta Withdrawal Symptoms Class Action Future

The first Cymbalta withdrawal symptom case was decided in favor of Eli Lilly, the drug’s maker. The claim was that Eli Lilly did not adequately warn patients of the risk of severe withdrawal symptoms on cessation of the medication. Cymbalta withdrawal symptoms are far more common than Lilly reported, according to an FDA advisory committee. These symptoms include electrical sensations in the brain, known as brain zaps, as well as the feeling that things are crawling under the patients’ skin. The outcome of this trial may help determine the course of the remaining hundreds of Cymbalta withdrawal symptom cases.

Last Gasp of the Bar Exam?

Last year’s bar exam passage rates hit an historic low. We’re waiting for September and the release of July’s bar scores. Another low passage rate may confirm the NCBE’s opinion that law students are getting dumber. Those of us in the real world think that the low scores are showing that the system is broken and that many qualified would-be lawyers aren’t getting the chance to practice due to an antiquated exam that has nothing to do with real world law practice. Could this be the last gasp of the bar exam?

Fluoroquinolone Antibiotic Neuropathy

Fluoroquinolone antibiotics, such as Cipro and Levaquin, can cause permanent, debilitating side effects. These side effects include fluoroquinolone antibiotic neuropathy, also known as peripheral neuropathy, tendinopathy (the painful inflammation of tendons and tendon rupture. Blurred vision may also occur. In many instances, these side effects persist long after the drugs have been discontinued.

Xarelto Bleeding Risks Equal to Warfarin

A French study shows that the risk of life threatening or uncontrollable bleeding events in patients using Xarelto are no greater than that in patients using Warfarin. However, the study warns that the fact that no reversal agent exists for the effects of Xarelto does not make it safer than Warfarin.

Baby Powder – Ovarian Cancer Link?

“Shower to Shower a day helps keep odors away,” and just may cause ovarian cancer. Johnson’s Baby Powder may also be a culprit. Studies suggest nearly a quarter of women diagnosed used one of these products, leading researchers to think that there may be a baby powder – ovarian cancer link. Estimates provided by the

Judges Gone Wild!

It must be something in the water pitchers most judges have at the bench. East Texas Judge Randall Rogers pulled a modern-day shotgun wedding by making a man marry his 19-year-old girlfriend. He also had to write Bible verses, similar to a naughty child writing sentences on the chalkboard (think The Simpsons, for those to

Big Pharma Wins First Cymbalta Withdrawal Suit

There are approximately 250 pending lawsuits against drug manufacturer Eli Lilly over its wonder-child, Cymbalta. Plaintiffs claim that the withdrawal symptoms experienced occur much more frequently than the Big Pharma giant warns. The first case went to trial this month and Big Pharma wins the first Cymbalta withdrawal suit. The drug, which brings Lilly about