Xarelto Suit Claims Side Effects Cause Serious Injuries

6/17/2015 What do a racecar driver, a comedian and a professional golfer have in common? They’re taking Xarelto, or playing Russian roulette, as I like to call it. A new Xarelto suit claims side effects cause serious injuries. Janssen Research & Development has been sued in federal court for failing to warn of the risks.

Propecia – You Too Can Be Hairy But Impotent

6/15/2015 A New Yorker named Todd P (another instance of locker room embarrassment) filed suit against Merck & Co. this May after he used Propecia (finasteride) to cure his male pattern baldness and developed erectile dysfunction (ED). There’s a marketing slogan if ever I’ve heard one: Propecia – You too can be hairy but impotent.

The Exodus Strategy

6/11/2015 “We need a Promised Land. We need an Exodus strategy. Are there any governors or legislatures out there among the 50 states willing to secede to offer a refuge for the God-fearing?” This is the heartfelt plea from WorldNetDaily founder and editor Joseph Farah, begging governors to secede from the union if SCOTUS allows

Hacked Medical Pumps Could Kill You

  6/11/2015 Billy Rios, a security expert conducting research on medical devices manufactured by Hospira, found deadly serious security flaws in drug delivery pumps. In short: hacked medical pumps could kill you. Currently, there are hundreds of thousands of Hospira pumps in hospitals throughout the U.S. I wrote a piece last month regarding an FDA

Heartburn Drugs Equal Heart Attacks?

6/11/2015 Do heartburn drugs equal heart attacks? A new study shows a possible connection. Using the mathematical method of examining trends in large amounts of data called “data-mining,” researchers looked at data including close to three million people. The lead author, Nigam H. Shah, assistant professor of medicine at Stanford, said that evidence connecting the

Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome

6/10/2015 It’s depressing when a drug with as many positive uses as Cymbalta (duloxetine) ends up creating more problems than it solves. So many, and to such severity, that it’s been given its own diagnosis title: Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome. Those with Cymbalta Discontinuation Syndrome often experience mental and physical suffering that lasts for several weeks.

Big Pharma’s Sneaky Profit-boosting Tactics

6/10/2015 No one, other than Big Pharma employees probably, thinks the industry is entirely trustworthy. There are good reasons for that opinion, too. Big Pharma’s sneaky profit-boosting tactics only add to the list. Little surprise that the bottom line is more important to Big Pharma than actually helping customers. Federal and state officials smacked the

FDA Backtracks on Labels, Big Tobacco Drops Its suit

6/9/2015 The FDA backtracks on labels, Big Tobacco drops its suit. America’s three largest tobacco giants, Phillip Morris USA (owned by Altria Group, Inc.), RJ Reynolds (owned by Reynolds American) and Marlboro, Camel & Newport (owned by Lorillard Tobacco) sued the FDA for overstepping its bounds by considering requiring approval for label changes such as