Lawsuit Claims Monsanto Lied About Roundup Safety

A recently filed class action lawsuit claims Monsanto lied about Roundup safety. The suit, filed in the Superior Court of California, Los Angeles County claims that the mega-corporation’s herbicide is not safe for humans as has been promised by Monsanto. Monsanto states that Roundup targets a specific enzyme (EPSP synthase) that is only found in

Heritage Foundation Tells SCOTUS Legalizing Gay Marriage Kills 900,000 Fetuses

The once-taken-seriously Heritage Foundation filed a 100-page amicus brief as SCOTUS prepares to hear the issue again. In the brief, the Heritage Foundation tells SCOTUS legalizing gay marriage kills 900,000 fetuses. The “logic” behind this mind-numbingly stupid claim? If “the gays” can legally marry, there will be fewer opposite sex marriages, which means more women

BAP1 As a Possible Genetic Defense in Asbestos Exposure Litigation

BAP1 is a genetic mutation that may possibly increase the chances of developing mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. A few defense attorneys around the country are hoping they can use BAP1 as a possible genetic defense in asbestos exposure litigation. HeplerBroom attorney Rebecca Nickelson is heading the defense team for Georgia Pacific in an ongoing asbestos