VW Engineer Liang Pleaded Guilty in Emissions Conspiracy

Nearly one week ago, the first Volkswagen employee to be charged in the diesel emissions “defeat device” scandal entered into a plea agreement, according to the U.S. Department of Justice. The man, James Liang, age 62, could face up to five years in prison. VW engineer Liang pleaded guilty in emissions conspiracy and the plea agreement was entered into in a Detroit District Court.

Bayer Will Soon Own Monsanto if Regulators Approve

Cue the “Imperial March.” Bayer’s repeated attempts to buy Monsanto have finally proven successful as announced today. Yes, Bayer will soon own Monsanto if regulators approve. The Germany-based Big Pharma and crop chemical company offered U.S.-based seed company Monsanto $66B or $128 per share. This is an increase of $0.50 per share from its last

GM Recalling 4.3M Vehicles Due to Airbag Software

It has to be one of the worst times to be an automaker. In a time of epic recalls, General Motors just announced another one. GM recalling 4.3M vehicles due to airbag software; this recall is worldwide. Though the recall is worldwide, most of the affected vehicles (3.6M) are in the U.S.

Feel Good Friday: Trial Lawyers Care Saving Lives

This particular Feel Good Friday is a special one. Even though the 15th anniversary of 9/11 was yesterday, something incredible was born from that tragedy that is still a force for good today. That something is the American Association for Justice’s (AAJ) Trial Lawyers Care (TLC) program. The original purpose of TLC was giving free legal help to 9/11 survivors. TLC hasn’t stopped helping better the communities in which its members work and live. This Feel Good Friday (on a Monday) is about Trial Lawyers Care saving lives by working to end distracted driving-related deaths.

F the FDA’s Opinion on Tattoos

Anyone who’s been reading my posts long enough knows the “high regard” in which I hold the FDA (and just how sarcastic I can be). This one takes the cake. The FDA has been piddling around on whether to remove Essure, Bayer’s “permanent” birth control device from the market for a year now and there’s a ton of evidence that such an action needs to happen. So, what is that esteemed agency doing with its time? Offering advice on tattoo safety from a page where it admits it has no evidence, merely some vague concerns. You know what I think? F the FDA’s opinion on tattoos and ink away ‘til your heart’s content!

Takata Inflator Explosion Times 14,000 Rocked Texas

As though Takata needed more trouble, having already caused up to 15 deaths and the biggest vehicle recall in the history of vehicle recalls, it’s now in the news for setting off the equivalent of a huge bomb in Texas. Yes, a Takata inflator explosion times 14,000 rocked Texas recently. The incident occurred in Maverick County on August 22.

Feel Good Friday: Showing Los Angeles Some Love with Food

Welcome to Feel Good Friday! This feature has been on a short hiatus while I tended to other matters, but should now be back every week. Feel Good Friday is the way LegalReader spotlights good news about lawyers giving back to the community beyond just providing legal services. This week, we’ll look at how the American Association for Justice was showing Los Angeles some love with food!

End of the Mirena MDL as Bayer Wins Summary Judgment

Back in March, I wrote about how Blocked Expert Testimony Isn’t Necessarily the End of Mirena MDL. Then, at the end of June, I wrote about how Mirena Plaintiffs Prepare Response to Bayer’s Summary Judgment Motion. Sadly today, I get to write about the end of the Mirena MDL as Bayer wins summary judgment.