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How a Truck Tire Failure Can Cause an Accident

— July 18, 2022

After the tire fails and starts to come apart, drivers will usually swerve to the side where the failure happened.

Long Beach, CA – Truckers and commercial drivers need to be aware of maintenance issues, as their vehicles need more attention than those used by standard drivers. This can be done by the individual drivers, but companies with fleets of vehicles should schedule regular maintenance as well. One of the most common problems that has resulted in many trucking accidents over the years is sudden tire failure. Whether this kind of problem is uncovered during an investigation or not, Long Beach accident lawyers have the ability to represent people injured during commercial vehicle crashes and file civil cases for compensation. 

Tire problems and commercial vehicles

The tires on large semi trucks and similar commercial vehicles experience significant amounts of wear throughout the course of a day. A person who drives for a living can travel several hundred miles in just one shift, and tires exposed to this kind of mileage will only last so long. The tires should be replaced after a certain amount of miles to avoid failure, but there is also the possibility of an unexpected problem if the tire catches any kind of debris that can puncture the surface. 

What happens when the tire breaks?

After the tire fails and starts to come apart, drivers will usually swerve to the side where the failure happened. The truck may suddenly crash into another vehicle or road obstacles on the side. It is also possible that the weight of the cargo can cause the truck to tip over at this time, as it is difficult to keep commercial vehicles balanced. If the truck was going at a high speed on a roadway at this time, it is likely that the damage will be extensive.

Upclose shot of semi-truck tires; image by Mitchell Luo, via
Upclose shot of semi-truck tires; image by Mitchell Luo, via

Lawsuits after the truck driver causes an accident

If there is evidence of negligence related to improper vehicle or tire maintenance, the driver and their employer can be named in a civil lawsuit for compensation. There are Long Beach truck accident lawyers who work with people on these kinds of cases and argue for as much money as is necessary to cover the losses. 

The damages available to the victim can include things like their healthcare costs, additional treatments and medications during the recovery process, and lost income due to injuries. Attorneys who have extensive experience with accident lawsuits will know how to argue for their client’s necessary compensation during settlement negotiations. Even things like future losses due to not being able to work because of a serious injury can be factored into these amounts.    

Additional advice is available after a collision is a site that works with people who are looking for lawyers. Anyone who needs assistance with their search for a legal professional can call 800-672-3103.

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