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How Does an Accident Victim Bring a Lawsuit for Compensation in Colorado?

— June 8, 2022

Anyone who has been involved in a motor vehicle accident should contact their insurance provider as soon as they can after an accident.

Denver, CO – Accident victims have the ability to file a civil lawsuit against any driver that has harmed them. This is important for getting financial assistance with medical bills, property damage, and other types of harm caused by the defendant’s actions. In the early stages of this process, the victim can make an effort to start to gather evidence and information, then meet with an attorney to formally file the case. There are accident lawyers in Denver who focus on these kinds of cases and they can assist with the process to start the lawsuit. 

Gathering evidence

Before bringing the case, the person should try to take some basic steps to gather evidence. This includes things like pictures of the scene, the accident report created by the police, information about other people involved, medical records and documentation, along with statements from any witnesses. Once the case is filed and the discovery process starts, the victim’s attorney can start to conduct their own investigation and get more information from the defendant’s attorney. If the evidence clearly indicates that one party is at fault, this will be helpful for the purposes of settling the case quickly. 

Filing an insurance claim

Anyone who has been involved in a motor vehicle accident should contact their insurance provider as soon as they can after an accident. This will begin the claim process, and put the defendant’s insurance company on notice. Auto insurance policies also require that the driver notify their insurance company of any collision, otherwise their coverage may be dropped. 

Meeting with an attorney

Lawyer at desk talking on smartphone; image by Sora Shimazaki, via
Lawyer at desk talking on smartphone; image by Sora Shimazaki, via

Most firms that offer services related to accidents and personal injury lawsuits will offer some kind of initial consultation to discuss how they will represent the victim and other important matters. This is also a chance for the victim to ask questions about their specific accident and learn about things like the possible amount of compensation available and the timeframe to complete the lawsuit. 

Filing the complaint

The victim’s attorney will have to draft the complaint to begin the lawsuit. One copy is filed in the local civil court that has jurisdiction over the matter, while another copy is personally served to the defendant person or business. This document outlines the facts surrounding the accident, legal arguments as to the defendant’s fault and the basis for the case, and a statement of damages or losses suffered by the victim. The complaint will state that the relief the plaintiff needs is compensation that covers all of the losses listed in the document. 

More information from local lawyers is a site that contains information about accident lawsuits in Colorado. Anyone who needs to speak with a local legal professional can choose their state and a relevant practice area. 

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