Your settlement amount is a direct reflection of your damages. In turn, your damages represent all of the negative hardships you have been forced to endure as a result of your sexual harassment.
It takes a great deal of courage to come forward with allegations of sexual harassment. Victims may be embarrassed or ashamed, and they may be reluctant to go public with their accusations. They may also fear losing their jobs and damaging their professional reputations. In order to weigh up the pros and cons of filing a sexual harassment lawsuit in Florida, these victims may need to consider how much their settlement may be worth. This financial compensation can help victims move on with their lives after going through this painful ordeal.
The truth is that no two sexual harassment lawsuits are exactly alike, and your settlement amount may differ as a result. In order to figure out how much your settlement may be worth, it makes sense to consult with a qualified, experienced sexual harassment attorney. During this initial consultation, your attorney can review the specifics of your situation and give you a rough estimate of how much your settlement might be worth. If you are satisfied, you can then work with your attorney to file a lawsuit and hold guilty parties accountable.
Damages in a Sexual Harassment Lawsuit
Your settlement amount is a direct reflection of your damages. In turn, your damages represent all of the negative hardships you have been forced to endure as a result of your sexual harassment. These hardships may be economic or non-economic in nature. Examples of economic damages in a sexual harassment lawsuit may include missed wages, especially if you have been fired for reporting sexual harassment. In addition, your harassment may have resulted in medical costs, particularly if you have been forced to seek psychological treatment due to the incidents. All of these costs can be covered by your settlement.

Your non-economic damages typically make up the majority of your final settlement. These non-economic damages represent the emotional and mental hardships you have been forced to endure. These non-economic damages are often referred to by the umbrella term “pain and suffering,” but they can be much more specific in nature. Examples include humiliation, mental anguish, PTSD, depression, and much more.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching the Boynton Beach area for a qualified, experienced sexual harassment attorney, look no further than the Law Office of William M. Julien, P.A. Over the years, we have helped numerous victims achieve justice and pursue considerable settlements. In February of 2005, we successfully obtained $2 million for two women who had been sexually harassed and retaliated against. In addition, the women were awarded $1.1 million in attorney fees. This should give you an idea of what’s possible with a sexual harassment lawsuit.
Although it can take tremendous courage to come forward with allegations, a settlement can make this difficult process well worth your time and energy. Book your consultation today, and we can go over your legal options together.
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