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How Political Events are Impacting the Health of American Citizens

— December 4, 2020

When asked how the Presidential Election, George Floyd protests, and Covid-19 Pandemic negatively affect your life? A massive 50.30% of respondents stated that they were having trouble eating or eating unhealthily.

These are unprecedented times in America, the U.S. climate is incredibly unstable, and the political divide between the left and right has never been higher than before. There simply seems to be no point of agreement with republicans and democrats. In these dark and unstable times, the problem is exacerbated by a lack of leadership. When in the past, during these uncertain times, the president was a figure that would unite the people; these modern times are a far cry. Donald Trump continues to divide during his presidency and exacerbates the already contrasting opinions.

Additionally, with the entire world hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, the economy has virtually shut down. Cracks are beginning to show in the healthcare system as well, as individual cities become overburdened. Under these already gloomy circumstances, the murder of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer sparked the country into protesting and rioting. The Black Lives Matter movement has taken to streets, and protestors currently occupy an entire zone in Seattle. All these conditions combine to create a uniquely stressful political climate within the country. With the upcoming 2020 elections, it’s prudent that we manage to get an idea of American citizens’ health.

Health Issues

COVID-19 has infected more than 2 million Americans, and more than 100,000 have lost their lives to the virus. Recent riots and protests have also resulted in several injuries to citizens, in clashes with the police. These political circumstances have a significant impact on citizens’ health. When respondents were asked about the health issues they were facing, their response is available in the figure below:

52.40% (596) of Americans claimed that they are experiencing anxiety during the President Election and political events.

41.80% (475) of Americans reported that they experienced tired/drained/nauseous.

16.20% of the respondents said that they had insomnia/sleep deprivation.

54.8% of Americans confirmed that they experienced stress disorder.

Impact of Recent Political Events

When asked how the Presidential Election, George Floyd protests, and Covid-19 Pandemic negatively affect your life? A massive 50.30% of respondents stated that they were having trouble eating or eating unhealthily. Additionally, 24.80% of respondents indicated that they were drinking alcohol to cope with the events. These results tie in with 52.40% of respondents reporting that they’re feeling anxiety at this time.

Moreover, 26.60% of respondents reveal that they’re arguing more during these times, and 17.90% report having less sex. These results are attributable to the fact that 24.30% of respondents experienced stress disorder, and 16.20% of respondents were suffering from sleep deprivation. Lockdown restrictions and the current Black Lives Matter protest are also heavily debated subjects. Naturally, the upcoming presidential election is a matter of considerable debate. It doesn’t help that the divide between the right and left has never been more substantial.

Sleep Apnea Can Lead to Severe COVID-19 Symptoms
Photo by Kinga Cichewicz on Unsplash

50.30% of respondents stated that they were having trouble eating or eating unhealthily.

24.80% of respondents indicated that they were drinking alcohol to cope with the events.

26.60% of respondents reveal that they are arguing more during these times.

17.90% of respondents have admitted to have less sex during the events.

Current Stressors

While all these recent events have a significant impact on American citizens’ health, it’s important to differentiate what factors are causing the most significant amount of stress. To get an idea of what seems to be the most significant cause of the health issues, we asked respondents which factors they believe contributed to their deteriorating health.

46.20% of Americans concerned about America’s future on the next presidential term.

37.60% of Americans concerned about the expansion of the Coronavirus from George Floyd protests.

36.00% of Americans concerned about the impact of George Floyd protests when looting and violence happened.

27.80% of Americans concerned about the U.S. viral fake news on magazines/social media.

42.40% of Americans concerned about losing jobs in Covid-19 crisis.

39.40% of Americans concerned about family safety.

*Source: 2020 U.S. Presidential Election And American Citizens Health Characteristics,, 2020.

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