Due to a widespread trucker shortage in the United States, trucking companies are becoming quite desperate as they search for virtually anyone who is willing to get behind the wheel of a semi-truck.
Semi-truck safety is always a bit of a balancing act in Colorado. On one hand, we need semi-trucks to fuel our economy and avoid supply chain issues. On the other hand, more semi-trucks on the road almost always equates to more accidents. The key is to encourage the success of our trucking industry while also ensuring that we make it as safe as possible. Unfortunately, this is something that Colorado has failed to accomplish on more than one occasion, and the vast number of injured victims are a clear testament to this fact.
If you have been injured by a semi-truck in Colorado, it should be quite obvious that changes in government policy can no longer help you. The damage has already been done, and the only option left is to file a personal injury lawsuit. You can do this by getting in touch with a qualified, experienced truck accident attorney. With their help, you can hold negligent parties accountable and recover a fair, adequate settlement for your injuries. This settlement can help you pay for medical expenses, missed wages, and a wide range of other damages.
Educate Truckers
Due to a widespread trucker shortage in the United States, trucking companies are becoming quite desperate as they search for virtually anyone who is willing to get behind the wheel of a semi-truck. This inevitably leads to lower hiring standards, and the federal authorities have already announced a plan to allow drivers as young as 18 for the first time. This all means that there will likely be a lot of new, inexperienced, and potentially teenaged truck drivers on Colorado roads within the next few months and years.

Education is key in this situation. These truckers must go through all of the necessary training programs, and corners must not be cut. Although the supply chain problems in the United States represent a genuine issue, we cannot sacrifice road safety for the benefit of our economy.
New Runaway Truck Ramps
Runaway truck ramps are simple but effective. The infamous 2019 semi-truck crash in Colorado that claimed the lives of four people was largely blamed on the trucker’s inexperience with runaway truck ramps. He was later convicted on charges of vehicular homicide. The Colorado Department of Transportation recently began conducting a survey on these runaway truck ramps. More importantly, they asked truckers how familiar they were with mountainous roads, and whether they actually knew where the runaway truck ramps were placed.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Truck Accident Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching the Denver area for a qualified, experienced truck accident attorney, there are many legal professionals who are more than capable of assisting you. Team up with one of these lawyers, and you can take legal action in an efficient, confident manner. Your attorney can ensure that you receive a considerable settlement that will cover all of your economic and non-economic losses. Act quickly, because the statute of limitations may prevent you from taking action if you wait too long.
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