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How to Avoid Work-Related Injuries While Working from Home

— April 28, 2022

As of this writing, it’s been around two years since the world was transformed by global health restrictions and concerns. This brought about so many changes across various industries globally. Some had to close down their shops. There’s also the majority who had to switch to a remote working arrangement. This is what sparked the rise and popularity of work-from-home arrangements, even to this day.

For many employees and employers, working from home is a blessing. It brings in so many advantages and benefits that once weren’t present because reporting to an office was the norm. Just imagine not having to travel to work and beating the traffic. And for parents, now they can take care of your family even as they work. It’s an ideal work setup, but it’s also not without downsides.

Like working in an office, working from home still brings in the risk of work-related injuries, although on a different scale and in different ways. Read this article below for a run-down on some of the best things you can do to avoid work-related injuries while you’re working from home.

  1. Take Cannabidiol (CBD) Products

If you live in a state where dispensaries in the business of selling CBD-related products exist, then take advantage of that and try out using CBD. Contrary to common belief, CBD and marijuana aren’t one and the same. CBD is a by-product of the hemp or marijuana plant. Unlike marijuana, CBD doesn’t have tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), or that component of CBD responsible for its psychoactive effect. This means you won’t get high from using CBD products. You’ll only feel its therapeutic effects.

How does taking CBD products relate to reducing the onset of work-related injuries while working from home? One of the main effects of CBD is it’s said to help improve focus while working. Read through to understand this better.

While ideal for many households, one of the challenges with working from home is the difficulty of focusing. There could be so many distractions, like children and chores, that focusing on work is difficult. When you lose focus, you may risk the chances of accidents like tripping on toys and wires, or slipping due to wet floors you haven’t cleaned yet.

  1. Check Your Posture Regularly

Working from home is no different from working in an office in the sense that you’ll still be sitting for long hours in front of your computer. This means the onset of back pain and possible spinal injuries is still present. It’s therefore the same requirement to strive to check your posture regularly, in between long working hours at home.

Yes, you can be the boss when you work from home.  You can do everything on your laptop while sitting in your kitchen island. But staying sedentary for an extended period isn’t without disadvantages. It’s important to ensure your shoulders are relaxed (not elevated nor slumped) and your back is well supported. 

  1. Keep Your Home Office Organized

One of the top contributors of work-related injuries happens because of a messy workplace. Whether you have a home office or not, keep your work desk as clean and clutter-free as possible. This is true especially when you’re sharing the space with children who are homeschooling. The clutter can get out of hand. Unfortunately, this leads to accidents like accidentally touching sharp objects, scissors, cutters left anywhere, and pieces of paper that can be slip hazards.

No matter how busy your day at home may get, always make it a point to keep your work area organized. The key is to clean up and pack away at the end of every working day. Then, make it a habit to apply office organization tricks like:

  • Purge your papers, at least twice a year: This can help you stay on top of all the papers you may accumulate in your home office. This way, you don’t keep any unnecessary papers that can add to clutter in your office.

This same principle applies to homeschooled kids’ school activities books and other printed materials which are no longer in use. You don’t have to feel compelled to display every single artwork your kids do. You can tuck them away for safekeeping.

  • Invest in drawer organizers: If you have a lot of drawers in your home office, consider that an advantage. Take the next step to keeping your drawer well organized by having drawer organizers.

This gives your drawers a sense of order and system. It’s not just one messy drawer after another, with a hodgepodge of documents, mail, and office supplies all over the place.

  • Create a printing station: A home office will never be without a printing station. This can be as simple as a small corner in your home office where you have your printer and paper supplies all in one area.

This kind of system will make it easier for you to stay organized even when printing documents regularly. You can avoid spills here and there from ink, for instance, when all your extra printing supplies are well-kept.

  1. Avoid Snacking All Day

    Image of candy, a highly processed sweet
    Candy; image courtesy of Pixabay,

Just because you’re near your kitchen and not in your office, doesn’t create an excuse to snack the whole day. If you make it a habit to munch on snacks more often than you’d do in your office, this may increase your chances of getting overweight and obese. Add to that the sedentary lifestyle you may have acquired from sitting down the whole day working.

Being overweight may increase the chances of workplace-related injuries simply because your body and physical health isn’t at its best state. If you’re really hungry and you feel compelled to have a snack, reach out for something healthy. In fact, shop only for healthy food.


Even a small workplace accident can make a significant impact on your life and productivity. Working from home does have its perks, but it’s also not without any risks. Especially if you  stay behind your desk for long hours, work-related injuries can be right around the corner, waiting to ensue. Working from home should prove to be advantageous for you. Making the most out of it entails staying safe.

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