Juggling a side hustle and life is a lot easier if you embrace technology. There are lots of productivity tools out there that you can use to manage all aspects of your life.
Trying to juggle a side hustle with life may feel impossible! You might already have a full-time job, kids to look after, and a house to maintain.
Often it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day!
To be truthful, I completely understand. Back in 2020, when I started my first side hustle, I was also diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes that same year! Not only did I have to make some drastic lifestyle changes to save my life, but I still had to do everything else. My business, home, and other responsibilities still needed to be maintained. Plus, I wanted to make my epic blog!
I’m pleased to say thanks to a lot of hard work that my side hustle has gone from strength to strength! My life hasn’t suffered in any way, and I’m healthier than ever thanks to the changes I had to make to manage my diabetes.
By understanding some simple strategies you can do it too!
How to Juggle a Side Hustle with Life
Right now I’m running a successful blog, a brick and mortar business spanning multiple locations, and working on other opportunities as they arise. That’s not to mention the time spent managing my diabetes each week. Planning and shopping for meals to stay healthy is a necessary part of keeping diabetes under control.
Despite all these pressures on my time I still find time to socialize and see my family! It’s important that regardless of success, I still have time for my life as well. After all, if I can’t share my success with anyone it would feel a little pointless!
Time Management
Unsurprisingly, time management is the number one area to conquer when juggling multiple activities.
Ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus said it best when he was quoted as saying:
Time is the most valuable thing a man can spend. – Theophrastus
Everyone has the same number of hours a week. How you organize those hours will be key to determining your success. Work too much and you will burn out quickly. Not enough time spent working means you won’t achieve your goals.
Finding a balance is key. Your current job may already take 8 hours a day. That’s 40 hours a week not including commuting time. Experts recommend sleeping 8 hours a night to be perfectly rested. That’s another 56 hours a week.
There are 168 hours in a week and you’ve used 96 for work and sleep. That leaves you 72 hours for anything you like!
Organizing that remaining time properly is the way to successfully juggle a side hustle and life. You could allocate one of your free days to be dedicated to your side hustle. Alternatively, you might spend 2-3 hours per day on your side hustle.
How you do it is up to you. Just make sure you spend time on yourself. Recharging your batteries is important for your mental health.
Build a Passive Income
A passive income is when you are earning money for work you’ve already done.
Blogging is a terrific example of this. You might spend 6 months building an awesome blog packed with quality content. After 6 months, you are getting regular traffic and you are earning money.
Now that you’ve done the hard work of building a blog that earns money you can reap the rewards. You will continue to earn money from that blog for as long as it remains live and gets traffic. That’s known as a passive income.
Of course, by continuing to maintain the blog, it will continue to grow meaning more money for you. However, you won’t have to spend as much time on it as you did when you first started out. You can earn via PayPal in your sleep!
Start a Side Hustle Using Your Existing Skills
Learning new things is to be encouraged. Yet if you already have skills that could be monetized, why learn something else? Use your existing skills and you will be earning much quicker!
When I had my life-changing diabetes diagnosis, I had to make wholesale changes to my life. I was adamant about starting my own blogging side hustle. As I have an economics degree and vast business experience, it made sense to blog about side hustling, investing, and managing money.
By blogging about things I know about, I was able to grow my blog much quicker!
When choosing your side hustle, do the same. Think about your current skills and use them to start earning.
An accountant might look into starting a bookkeeping business. If you are a DIY enthusiast, you could start a YouTube channel teaching others. Maybe restoring furniture is your thing, in that case, look into making money by flipping furniture.
Hopefully, you get the idea and can supercharge your side hustle by putting your current knowledge to good use.
Don’t Be Shy About Outsourcing
Outsourcing means paying someone else to help you with your side hustle. Using skilled third parties means you can free up your own time to work on other things.
Perhaps you want to grow a blog quickly. You could pay a freelance writer to write content for your site. That way you can grow your blog fast. You also have more time to use for a social media campaign, planning content, or just a day off!
Online marketplaces exist for freelancers in almost every industry. Use them to your advantage whilst growing your side hustle.
Technology is Your Friend

Juggling a side hustle and life is a lot easier if you embrace technology. There are lots of productivity tools out there that you can use to manage all aspects of your life.
Most apps sync across devices allowing you to keep up to date both when at the home office or on the go!
Look for other tech tools relevant to your side hustle. There is often a solution out there that will save you time and money!
Expand Your Side Hustle By Starting Another
You’re just starting your first side hustle and I’m now telling you to start another! Am I crazy? Quite possibly.
Here’s the thing. Once you’ve established your first side hustle you can leverage it to start another. You know the topic, have contacts in the industry, and understand what works.
Why start an unrelated side hustle that means you have to learn another industry from scratch?
Let’s stay with the blogging example as I know that best. You’ve built your blog and monetized it, traffic is good, and you simply need to spend a few hours a week maintaining it.
Now you have time to begin another side hustle. You could do a podcast, start a YouTube channel, or become a social media influencer. The neat part is that you already have an existing fanbase. Regular readers can be directed to your other channels which will help them grow faster! That way you can earn via PayPal from multiple side hustles.
These 6 tips have been instrumental in helping me juggle a side hustle with life. Adjusting to a life-altering diagnosis wasn’t easy. However, I didn’t let managing diabetes deter me from my dreams. If anything, it was a further motivation that I needed to change my life!
Happily, I can say my blog is successful, my diabetes is under control, and my other business interests are going strong! I remember to make time for family, friends, and hobbies too as it’s important to relax. Just don’t do it too much!
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