One should never underestimate the importance of cybersecurity in business. With every year, the number of cyberattacks worldwide rises at an alarmingly high rate. Statistics show that larger businesses are more likely to be the target of cyber-attacks. Nevertheless, medium and small businesses are not immune to cyber threats either. If a business functions online, it is inevitably at risk. To avoid the disastrous financial, legal, and physical implications of a cyber-attack, every business should invest in adequate security instruments.
The Importance of Cyber Security in B2B Business Model
B2B stands for business-to-business and implies business conducted between two or more companies as distinguished from the B2C model, where a business sells its products directly to a final individual consumer.
In today’s world, business is difficult to imagine without technology. Technological advance, however, doesn’t come without risk, which is cybercrime. Most marketing departments admit that they don’t have the necessary instruments to deal with data breaches. In the United States alone, around 4.000 ransomware attacks occur daily. In Great Britain, for example, nearly 130.000 businesses were subject to cyberattacks in 2018.
With these alarming numbers, the significance of cybersecurity in the B2B model is obvious. Data gathering and usage is an essential part of marketing in B2B – it is a fuel of successful campaigns. Breaches are the biggest threat when it comes to working with data.
Without proper security measures, all the important data will be at great risk. Store operators should regularly check for gaps in their security systems and eliminate the revealed problems in the shortest possible time.
Let’s talk about ways to safeguard online shops from hackers and malware.
What is a VPN, and why do I Need It?

When it comes to security issues, the first thing you should invest in is a VPN. You may ask, “what is a VPN and how do I get one?” A VPN is an acronym that stands for a virtual private network that is designed to ensure your online privacy and keep you anonymous. The VPN does this by masking your IP (internet protocol) address so that your actions on the web can’t be traced. Moreover, VPN is the basis of an encrypted and secure connection. It is even better in providing privacy than secured Wi-Fi hotspots.
If you perform transactions using an unsecured network, your private data can easily be exposed. Remember when you checked your bank account while waiting for a colleague at the restaurant? Or when you went through emails while standing in line at the store? If you weren’t logged into a private network secured with a password, your private information could be at risk of being eavesdropped on.
VPN services provide total anonymity and encryption that protects all your transactions online. You can send emails containing important information, make payments, and check your bank account without fear for your safety.
Use VPN Services to Secure Your Business
As you can see, business computer security is a serious issue that requires attention and specific actions—no wonder the VPN market is full of promising options. When shopping for a VPN, consider what your needs are. Do you want to hide your IP address to be able to use the internet anonymously? Do you use public Wi-Fi often, and it makes you worried about your data being stolen?
You can find a range of quick and easy solutions to protect your privacy on the Internet. Start a trial to explore all the benefits of investing in a virtual private network. On the website, you can find more information about available security options such as double VPN or no-log VPN, apps, pricing, and free features. A VPN is easy to use and requires zero effort on your part. Once you get a VPN, everything starts working in a matter of seconds. Moreover, VPN software allows you to access blocked websites from any place in the world. Try it now and protect your business from cyberattacks and data leaks once and for all!
What does a VPN Hide?
With the help of a VPN, you can hide important data that often put your organization’s privacy at risk. Here is what can be hidden with a VPN:
Browsing history
The websites you visit are no secret, so internet service providers and web browsers can easily track your behavior online. Besides, many websites keep a record of your actions and track your search history while attaching that information to your IP address. Keep in mind that internet service providers can sell your browsing history to third parties.
Your IP address and location
A person who captures your IP address can gain access to your search history and your exact location. Your IP address is like a return address written on an envelope. Your device can easily be identified with its help. The VPN removes this risk because you no longer use your true IP address, so you can surf the internet anonymously.
Your devices
A VPN protects all of your devices: laptop, computer, tablet, smartphone. When you access the internet with one of these devices, it immediately becomes a target for hackers, especially if the Wi-Fi network you use is public. With a VPN, the data you outgoing and incoming information is safe from prying eyes.
Your online activity
Want to maintain freedom on the web? Even if you’re not a government surveillance candidate, it is better to keep your browsing history private. If you use VPN services, your internet service provider won’t be able to access it.
Other Ways to Protect Your Data in B2B
Invest in technology
If your business is functioning online, cybersecurity instruments are a must-have. Apart from investing in firewalls, ransomware, and data leak protection, equip your organization with efficient spam filters. They will prevent you and your employees from receiving phishing emails, as well as shield your email accounts from email spoofing. Set up an anti-virus software, and don’t forget to update it on a regular basis.
Backup your data
Backing up your data regularly is a good way to reduce the risk of losing valuable information. If you don’t do backups, a hacker attack or a system failure can lead to devastating implications: confidential backup files and sensitive data in remote storage (offline backup).
Prepare your employees
Don’t expect your IT department to eliminate all the risks connected with data security. Teach your entire team to avoid the threats they can encounter in their work and increase your employees’ awareness in regards to safety issues.
Take care of passwords
This one may seem too obvious, but weak passwords are the most common cause of data breaches worldwide. Short length, too obvious characters, or numbers are the typical mistakes that lead to unpleasant consequences for your business. Ensure that the passwords you use are strong enough and instruct your employees to take care of business computer security as well.
Use modern platforms
The platform or software you use determines the level of your business’s security, be it B2B or B2C. If your platform is old, take the security issues seriously. Note that security and access rights are regulated differently on various platforms. Use platforms with a role-based access model, where access to data is not permitted unless an appropriate role is assigned.
Ensure regular updates
It’s not only developers and security experts who generate new solutions. Data thieves and hackers never stop coming up with new threats. No matter how advanced your measures are – security gaps will inevitably be detected. That’s why you should keep an eye on updates. This cannot be emphasized enough: regular updates should be a priority. It is recommended to depend on automated updates or maintenance contracts.
What to Do in Case of Incident?
If an incident happened, a proper response is crucial for reducing the data breach costs. Your plan should consist of the following steps:
· Identify the last clean backup and restore it;
· Law enforcement communication protocols;
· Infected PC isolation procedure;
· Isolation of devices that weren’t affected.
Are You Taking Care of Your Data Safety?
Being aware of the implications and prepared to deal with cybersecurity threats is crucial for any B2B business. Implement the above-mentioned cybersecurity measures and invest in VPN services, such as VeePN, for maximum protection. You can choose an option that works best for your business. No matter if your company is multinational, mid-size, or a small store – no online business is immune to cyber-attacks. Take care of your business’ security today, and avoid disastrous implications in the future.
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