Regularly backing up data ensures that, at the very least, you do not have anything to lose.
Law firm website security should be a key concern, no matter the nature of the practice. And why shouldn’t that be the case? A customer sums up all their sensitive and confidential data with you; it is up to you to respect their trust and secure their private information. In the legal industry, a client entrusts a lawyer with data that is not easily shareable with the rest of the world. And that makes law firms a primary target for cybercriminals.
As per an ABA Cybersecurity Tech report, almost 26% of law firms have experienced a data breach in their records. If you do not wish to be a part of these stats, this blog is just right for you. Here are nine tricks that will work wonders to protect your law firm’s security.
Go for trusted Extensions and Plugins.
Extensions are helpful in many ways. Content management systems say WordPress has made it easier than ever to create a website instantly. The plausible options of creating one without having to spend a dollar and the plethora of available themes have paved the way for third-party extensions as well.
While these can be genuinely resourceful and get your work done in half the time, it also opens up a newfound weakness for your site. Before adding a new plugin or extension, ensure that it has been updated to the latest version and listed in a vulnerability database, such as Wpscan.
Get yourself an SSL Certificate
Have you ever wondered about the significance of the green padlock in the URL? The answer is a certification provided by SSL. It is an SSL Certificate that encrypts the connection between your server and the website. You can easily buy SSL from SSL2BUY, in a multitude of ranges that fit your purpose.
The prime motive is to secure the interaction taking place between you and your client. Further, this will add an HTTPS URL instead of an HTTP. The extra ‘S’ at the end shows the customers that your site is trustworthy to do business.
Restrict the Access needed by the Employees
Not all of your employees need access to each of your files and data. On a stern note, do not provide them any more access than they need on your site.
Be very specific when you are granting permission to view information. It should not be like you regret this decision later of providing limitless access to each of your staff members – who knows, they could backfire if the need arises. How about you implement it now?
A Strong Password to the Rescue
You might be wondering, isn’t this tip more than obvious? Although it might look elementary, it is indeed a potent formula to secure your data. A strong password has the power to seal your private information and steer away from the clutches of hackers. For making a strong one, you will have to play around with a perfect combination of digits, alphabets, numerals, and signs.
If possible, do sprinkle a few uppercase and lowercase symbols. And refrain from using ubiquitous words that a professional hacker can easily guess. Better yet, update your passwords frequently, say, in a span of every three months.
Track your Upgrades and Updates
One of the major exploits that can create a burrow is outdated software. A hacker reaches out to an expired software with a fork and spoon to munch it, in and out. If you do not want to treat a hacker, you will have to look into any pending updates and upgrades and instantly fix them.
Once you update your software, you will not have to worry about any data loss, per se. Also, it just does not hold for the CMS software; it is similarly applied to your third-party extensions as well. You need to update those, too, before the timer buzzes out.
Run Backups of the files regularly
What if you lose all the confidential information you once stored? The very thought sends a chill up your spine. Well, to save you from all the loss, money, and embarrassment, it is highly recommended that you do a backup.

Regularly backing up data ensures that, at the very least, you do not have anything to lose, if not gain. Check that the data obtained can be accessed offline, too, as it should be stored in a physical location. And save a copy of the data in Cloud mode, if that pleases you.
Train your Clients periodically
Your clients may or may not know if their actions can cause trouble. It is then the law firm that bears the risk when a client inadvertently leaks sensitive information. And that is why lawyers must train these customers and teach them why not divulging some chunks of information is more than necessary and how that can help the business.
This includes explaining to the client how the portal functions, and they must be walked through the business’s nitty-gritty. Only when they are entirely secured with their understanding of the firm transparently can they contribute to lesser leaking encounters.
Plan for Doom’s Day in Advance
Though we hope you avoid seeing this day at every cost, it does not mean we won’t prepare you for it. Whatever the nature of the business, you must, and I repeat must, buckle up for the worst to come. It shouldn’t be like you are stuck with a hurricane, and you have no clue what to do.
For starters, create an itinerary with all the dos and don’ts in case of a data breach. Chalk out what needs to be done immediately – communications, passwords, reporting to the higher authorities. Also, plan how you and your team lead when hit by an Act of God or natural calamity.
Frequent Reviews and Audits
It may seem convenient to overlook the hiding weaknesses of your law firm. Therefore, it is of high pertinence that you take time to review and audit it. Go for frequent audits and see if you could fit this into your firm’s schedule. With the audits, research, and analysis, you can understand where you are going wrong and how you can recuperate from that. Identify the risk involved.
This can include checking whether an already fired employee has any access to any of your data. Ensure that the anti-virus software and firewalls are working the way they should. In case of any red flags, do reach out to the requisite team and fix the issues before the clock ticks away.
Protecting your client’s data should be ethically and professionally dealt with in any proactive industry. With the advent of online e-commerce, hacking and data breaches are old news.
On similar tracks, understanding your responsibilities and deploying some of the best practices and tips can mitigate the risks. Some first things first, enable an SSL Certificate at the earliest. This should save you some severe churn rates. Further, update your system and software regularly. And most important of all is staying alert. Let no one hack into your data and steal it all, even before you know it.
Know that once a customer’s trust has been questioned, they might never return to do business with you. And it would further hurt to see them pick your competition instead. While you wish to stay away from a nightmare, it is much needed to deliver excellence and never break their trust.
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