New Details Emerge Regarding “Pink Slime” Lawsuit Settlement

ABC News and Beef Products Inc. finally reached a settlement over “an ABC News report about so-called pink slime, a once-common ingredient in ground beef.” The trial began earlier this month after Beef Products Inc claimed the news report “wreaked havoc on its business after it aired in 2012,” misleading viewers and causing “hundreds of layoffs.”

California Becomes First State to Sue Trump Administration Over Its Sanctuary City Policy

California became first state to sue the Trump administration over its sanctuary city policy, which aims to cut off funds from jurisdictions which don’t cooperate with federal immigration officials. While the White House has threatened so-called ‘sanctuary cities’ since the president took office, a plan recently approved by the Justice Department could see many municipalities

ACLU Sues Trump Administration for Detaining, Deporting Teenagers on Bogus ‘Gang Affiliation’ Charges

The American Civil Liberties Union launched a class action lawsuit against the federal government, alleging that immigration officials are rounding up, detaining, and deporting teenagers on bogus ‘gang affiliation’ charges. Working in conjunction with a coalition of lawyers from California, the litigation charges U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), and the

Harvest Hill Farm Agrees to Settle Wrongful Death Lawsuit After Deadly Hayride Accident

A settlement has been reached between the family of Cassidy Charette and the owner of Harvest Hill Farm in Mechanic Falls, bringing an end to the wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family. The lawsuit itself was filed after 17-year-old Cassidy Charette “died in a hayride crash” on October 11, 2014. The tragic accident happened when the wagon on the hayride attraction “went out of control after a brake failure, killing the Oakland teenager and injuring more than 20 other people.” Additionally, investigations revealed that the 1979 Jeep used to haul the wagon also had many safety issues. So basically, the lawsuit was filed as a way to not only seek justice for their daughter’s death but to also hold the farm accountable for what happened.

UPS Settles Disability Discrimination Lawsuit for $2M

To settle a disability discrimination lawsuit, UPS has “agreed to pay a total of $2 million to nearly 90 current and former employees” across the country. The lawsuit was first filed on behalf of the employees by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) back in 2009, and alleged UPS had “violated the Americans with Disabilities Act when it failed to provide employees with reasonable accommodations and maintained an ‘inflexible’ leave policy that automatically fired employees when they reached 12 months of leave, without an interactive process.”