Fashion Designer Files Lawsuit Against Sean “Diddy” Combs

“[Combs’] outrageous and abhorrent conduct violated Ms. Bongolan’s fundamental dignity, bodily autonomy, and sense of safety,” the complaint says. “This event was the culmination of a series of threats, intimidation, and violence that colored many of Ms. Bongolan’s interactions with Mr. Combs from the day she met him.”

Texas Attorney General Sues Largest Homeless Navigation Center in Austin

“Drug activity and criminal behavior facilitated by this organization have hijacked an entire neighborhood,” Paxton said in a press release announcing the lawsuit. “By operating a taxpayer-funded drug paraphernalia giveaway next to an elementary school, this organization is threatening students’ health and safety and unjustly worsening daily life for every single resident of the neighborhood. We will shut this unlawful nuisance behavior down.”