Cleveland Pays $375k After Shooting Kip Holloway For No Reason

The City of Cleveland agreed to pay $375,000 to settle a suit over the 2014 shooting of Kip Holloway. Holloway, purportedly unarmed and trying to surrender himself to law enforcement, was lying face-down in a residential garage. The 29-year old African-American man had caught a ride from two men he knew. Shortly after, he learned

Discrimination Lawsuit Settled Between Crop Production Services and U.S. Workers

A settlement was recently reached between Crop Production Services Inc. and a group of U.S. citizens. The lawsuit itself was filed by the “U.S. Justice Department for discrimination against U.S. citizens in favor of foreign visa workers.” As part of the settlement, the Loveland-based company “agreed to pay a penalty and back wages” to the affected U.S. workers.

Carolina Panthers Owner Jerry Richardson Accused of Sexual Harassment, Racist Remarks

The Carolina Panthers extended settlements to at least four former employees, following allegations of sexual misconduct and racial discrimination on the part of team owner Jerry Richardson. Sports Illustrated catalogued the offenses purportedly committed by the 81-year old. Each of the settlements was subject to confidentiality agreements and non-disparagement clauses, which would prevent Richardson’s supposed

Trump Administration Asks Supreme Court to Block Immigrant Abortion

On Monday, the Trump administration asked the Supreme Court to block another teenage illegal immigrant from getting an abortion. reports that the move comes only hours after a federal judge ordered the administration to stand down. In a Tuesday decision, the courts demanded that immigration officials allow two undocumented 17-year old girls to terminate