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Legal Assistance in a Drunk Driving Accident

— October 10, 2024

No matter who is at fault, do remember that prevention methods are available and they will help avoid all accidents. Do not drink and drive or even ride with somebody who is drinking.

We read about several drunk driving accidents daily and it is clear that in such an accident, the drunk driver is responsible. However, there are also circumstances when others could be liable. In such events, it is important to pursue compensation not only from the driver but from the other parties as well. It might seem overwhelming initially but it is possible to receive compensation from the at-fault parties. It can be confusing to find all the parties at fault for such an incident and you may have to seek legal help. Only a professional with years of experience handling such types of cases can help you through this tough time.

Holding someone accountable for the accident 

Whenever you look at an accident, try to consider all the details. Look beyond the driver and try to identify who is at fault. Consider all the factors that could have led to this accident. There may be several external factors contributing to the accident. The impairment caused due to alcohol consumption is one of the main reasons why drunk driving accidents happen. After one consumes alcohol, it will lead to slow reaction times, lack of coordination, lack of judgement, and low concentration. 

An expert Wisconsin drunk driving accident lawyer at Casey injury law states, “While the primary cause of the accident will be the drunk driver, there are times when even the car manufacturer is at fault and there could be defects in the car which led to the accident. Besides that, you can also hold the city responsible if they have not been able to maintain the roads properly, causing the damages.”

Dram shop laws 

 A dram shop is a term for a bar and is also referred to as a liquor shop, grocery store, or a place that serves alcohol. Not many are aware of the existence of dram shop laws. They are laid out to punish a licensed alcohol vendor who contributes to drunk driving accidents. While many believe that this law is unfair since the driver is responsible for driving and not the vendor. The law holds those who have a hand in the intoxication of the driver if they were negligent in their action. These laws affect several parties and social gatherings. 

Serving alcohol to an intoxicated individual 

A host or bartender needs to cut off from serving drinks if they see a person visibly intoxicated. They should not have served drinks if they were aware that the person had driven to the party or the bar. If they get served a drink and drive, whatever happens later will also be the fault of the individual who served alcohol to them. However, one can only find the bartender responsible if they are aware that the individual they served will be driving. 

Serving to a minor

Man in camo pants, dark sweatshirt, and panda costume head slumped against street sign with alcohol bottles in both hands; image by Eric Mclean, via
Image by Eric Mclean, via

When a bartender has served a drink to a minor, they will be held responsible in case of an accident. It is not only illegal to serve alcohol to minors but it is also very dangerous. Several drunk driving accidents happen with younger individuals due to such events. When a bartender serves minors, they are only doing a criminal act. It will endanger their lives and the lives of others on the road. 

Getting legal help

Depending on the state laws, it could sometimes become tough to determine who is at fault in a drunk driving accident. But you should hold all the parties responsible for the damages. By doing this, you will be able to ensure the best settlement and make sure that the behaviour is punished so it does not happen again. The right lawyer will assist you in proving the negligence of the driver and any individual responsible for this. By carrying out a thorough review and analysis, the professional can guide you throughout the process of claims.  

Most of the claims will be settled out of court, but there will be instances when a party will escalate things before a jury. However, an experienced professional can help you find ways to receive compensation. Getting a fair settlement for your damages may not be easy and it will not happen immediately, but you need to keep the proof ready and persist. With the right experts by your side, you will see favourable results. 

No matter who is at fault, do remember that prevention methods are available and they will help avoid all accidents. Do not drink and drive or even ride with somebody who is drinking. By taking a simple step and being aware, you can prevent yourself from a disaster. Drunk driving is something that can be totally avoided and you should not risk your life nor the life of others by choosing to drive after you’ve had a drink. Designate a driver for the day and keep yourself safe. 

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