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The Most Common Causes of Road Accidents in Fort Lauderdale

— February 25, 2022

Left-turn accidents often take place as a result of people trying to make an illegal turn on the road, although they can also happen from legal turns.

Our team of Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers regularly works with victims of road accidents in the local area. Over the years, we’ve seen the trends when it comes to car accidents in the local area. By equipping yourself with the knowledge of the most common types of car accidents, you can ensure that you remain safe for many years to come when driving on our roads.

Drunk Driving

Especially during the weekends and late at night, we often see accidents involving drunk driving. The victims of these accidents usually don’t have anything to blame themselves for, but they are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. When you are driving at night, you’ll want to make sure you keep an eye out for any suspicious activity or unusual driving and report anyone who you think might be driving under the influence. Driving while consuming illegal drugs, alcohol, or some medications can be so dangerous for everyone on the roads and needs to be avoided at all costs. If you find yourself trying to get home after a few drinks, always make sure you call a taxi and come back and collect your car the following day.

Texting and Driving

While we all need to use our mobile phones for our work and personal use each day, driving and texting is now one of the most common causes of accidents in the local area. Any Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer will tell you this is becoming a huge issue everywhere in the country, and while you might need to use your phone for directions, you shouldn’t allow it to distract you from driving and the task at hand. Try to use hands-free solutions if you must answer the phone while driving, and avoid answering text messages until you are safely parked or back at home.

Man texting and driving; image by Alexandre Boucher, via
Man texting and driving; image by Alexandre Boucher, via

Accidents Involving Pedestrians

When you are distracted when driving, it can be so easy to forget to stop at a crossing or miss a child or adult walking on the street. Pedestrians obviously need to be aware of their surroundings too, but it’s all about working together to keep our streets as safe as possible. If you find yourself the victim of a road accident when you are walking along the local streets, we encourage you to get in touch with a Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer as soon as possible to start working on your claim.

Making Illegal Turns

Left-turn accidents often take place as a result of people trying to make an illegal turn on the road, although they can also happen from legal turns. They usually result in the driver that’s coming the other way hitting their vehicle head-on. Our team often sees these accidents and knows that they result in horrific injuries to the head, back, or neck. As a driver, you need to make sure you are only turning in places where it’s safe and take the turn nice and slow.


Although parking accidents usually don’t involve the high speed that other types of accidents involve, our team of Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers has seen some horrific incidents in car parks. Pedestrians can easily be hit in car parks, or you can crash into another car and cause huge damage to the vehicle. When you are driving, you’ll want to ensure you always take your time to safely park and ensure you have enough space around your car to park properly without risking hitting anything around you.

Road Conditions

The road conditions in Fort Lauderdale are impacted by many different situations, but the rainy weather we sometimes experience is one of the biggest causes of accidents in the area. As a Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer team, we’ve seen so many accidents occur after heavy downpours, which could easily have been avoided by just waiting a few minutes more to make your journey. When you can’t see where you are going due to heavy rain, it’s so much easier to hit the car in front of you as you don’t have enough space to stop safely. Try to avoid going out in the rain, and when you have to, ensure your windscreen wipers and lights are working properly to avoid an accident.

While we hope none of these situations will happen to you in the future, by educating yourself on the most common causes of road accidents in the local area, you can protect yourself and your family for many years to come. If you do find yourself in an accident in the future, make sure you immediately contact our team of Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyers. We’ll be here to guide you through the claims process and ensure you receive the full compensation you deserve when the accident wasn’t your fault.

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