White Supremacist Rally in Washington, D.C. Falls Flat Sunday, Raises Questions

A white supremacist rally in Washington, D.C. fell flat on Sunday, with only several dozen racists in attendance. Intended to celebrate the first anniversary of last year’s violent march in Charlottesville, VA., far-right demonstrators found themselves far outnumbered by counter-protesters. Police formed a tight cordon around the smaller group, separating the two sides and preventing

DeVos Ends Obama-Era Protections on Predatory For-Profit Colleges

On Friday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos formally moved to end protections that shield vulnerable students from the unscrupulous tactics of for-profit colleges. In a written statement posted on the department’s website and partially reprinted by The New York Times, the agency shared its plan to eliminate the ‘gainful employment’ rule. Created under the Obama administration,

Nebraska Man Accused of Human Trafficking Asks Government to Stop Calling It “Slave Labor”

An attorney for a Nebraska man accused of running an immigrant-driven “slave labor” operation is asking judges to bar federal officials from using the term in court. The suspected ringleader, Juan Pablo Sanchez Delgado, asked authorities to show mercy toward 16 of his family members and business associates. The group, faced with federal conspiracy charges,

Nike Slapped with Gender Discrimination Suit

Nike was just hit by a gender discrimination lawsuit alleging the company violated “state and federal equal-pay laws and fostered a work environment that allowed sexual harassment.” The suit was filed in Portland, Oregon in federal court on behalf of four former Nike employees, all of them women, who claim they were paid less than their male counterparts and argue that their managers allowed the harassment against them.

White Hall, Arkansas Judge Accused of Running Debtors’ Prison

A district judge based in White Hall, Arkansas, is accused of operating a ‘debtors’ prison,’ repeatedly locking up citizens too impoverished to cover court fines and fees. Local and national civil rights organizations are taking up the case of six Arkansas residents who claim they were caught up in an inescapable circuit of punishment. Each