Gatlinburg Zip Line Attraction at Center of New Class Action Lawsuit

Many people who visited a Gatlinburg-area zip line attraction contracted an illness, “possibly from contaminated well water.” As a result, a family who visited the zip line attraction and fell ill has decided to file a “complaint for class-action certification and damages against Climb Works LLC.” The complaint was filed by Tristan and Melissa Mantheys from the New Orleans-area.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed Over Fatal Dashields Locks and Dam Accident

After embarking on a kayaking trip down the Ohio River, Helene Brandy of Ambridge tragically lost her life. As a result, her parents, Kathleen and Bruce Brandy, filed a lawsuit in federal court in Pittsburgh against the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, alleging “the agency didn’t adequately warn boaters of the dangers surrounding the Dashields Locks and Dam.” According to the couple’s suit, their daughter, who was only 25-years-old at the time of her death, “was one of two people who died in May 2017 when their kayaks were swept over the dam near Edgeworth.”

House Republicans Pass Pro-I.C.E. Resolution with Little Resistance

House Republicans claimed a victory Wednesday after a vote to support the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency passed by an overwhelming majority. Taken 244-35, the nonbinding resolution was an exercise designed to embarrass. As NPR and POLITICO report, few expected Democrats to take up arms overtly. Even as liberals continue to berate ICE and