Home to Roost

Home to Roost On September 11th, 2001, I drove home from work along the freeways of southern Michigan looking for things. Absurd as it now seems, I kept an eye on the ten and twenty-story glass buildings clustered in Southfield. I scanned that unforgettably blue sky for any rogue airliner that might be evading the

Hunting and Gathering Poverty Food

Maverick libertarian economist and author Tyler Cowen argues in his book Average is Over that in the coming years, American society will deeply bifurcate into Haves and Have-Nots. The lucky Haves will become (or remain) quite wealthy by developing tech-based skills that allow them to partner with intelligent computers. This will enable them to work

Is it time for a Universal Basic Income?

It’s no secret that work has been going away. Depending upon your perspective, this is something to longingly anticipate, or for most of us, to fear. Those who look forward to the glorious future of hamburger kiosks and self-driving cars seem to be happy at the prospect of paying less and not having to deal

Trump Chooses Ten More Possible Supreme Court Nominees

In a September 23, 2016, press release, Donald Trump released the names of ten more possible Supreme Court nominees. He released a list of 11 possible nominees in May 2016. According to Business Insider, Trump released the May list in an effort to resolve any conservatives worries that he may nominate a liberal. The ten

More Bad News for Wells Fargo CEO

Thanks in large part to Senator Elizabeth Warren’s indefatigable efforts to hold “too big to fail” banks accountable for their part in the financial crisis that devastated the country in 2008, Wells Fargo’s CEO John Strumpf is being forced by the bank to forfeit $41 million dollars as a result of his role in the