Prosecutors Want No Mercy for Charleston Church Shooter Dylann Roof

On a summer night in June 2015, self-proclaimed white supremacist Dylann Roof allegedly walked into an historically African-American church in Charleston, South Carolina, during a bible study and opened fire, killing nine people in the process. Roof already had a criminal record, having been arrested on felony drug charges a few months before the shooting,

Liberalism as a Fashion Statement, Pt. 2

In Part 1, I discussed how everyday choices in fashion and shopping, while well-intentioned, lead to suboptimal results if the goal is to make the world a better place.  These are far from the only examples, though, and liberalism as a fashion statement also extends to some of the bigger actions we can take, such

Marijuana Health Benefits Controversy

According to the Seattle Times, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration has decided to keep marijuana and its derivatives classified as a Schedule 1 drug. That class of drugs includes heroin and other dangerous drugs that have no medical value. That ruling caused the marijuana health benefits controversy to rage on! That decision flies in the

Darren Seals, Noted Ferguson Activist, Found Shot to Death

Darren Seals was just 29-years-old when he was found shot to death inside of a burning car on September 6, 2016. Seals played a prominent role in the Ferguson protests after the shooting death of unarmed 18-year-old Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson in 2014. Brown was black. Wilson is white. Despite the evidence of

Liberalism as a Fashion Statement, Pt. 1

This week I heard a story on NPR about barn wood.  The Midwest is losing their scenic, falling-apart barns because the wood is a hot commodity for people who would like to add that weathered look to their restaurant wall, bar counter, or expensive home.  The barns in question have already lived out their useful

Trial Begins in Malheur National Wildlife Refuge Armed Takeover

Ryan and Ammon Bundy, along with five other defendants, will be going to trial this week for their part in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge armed takeover earlier this year. The charges against the sixth defendant scheduled for trial, Pete Santilli, an internet broadcast personality, were dismissed yesterday. The Bundy’s have been in jail since

The (Lead-Filled) Dirt on West Calumet

What do you do with a piece of poisoned industrial land that is the site of the defunct former Anaconda Lead Product smelting operation, downwind from an old USS Lead industrial site and next to a DuPont site?  Why, you build an “affordable housing complex” there for low income minority families with children, right?  Isn’t

College Grads Continue to Drown in Student Loan Debt

It’s no secret that student loan debt is on the rise in the United States, continuing to spread like a plague without a cure. While the cost of attending college continues to increase, so too does the number of people who find themselves unable to pay for a higher education. Even with grants and scholarships,