‘Say it ain’t so’: Baseball Enters the Cybercheating Age.

6/17/2015 Bill Belichick might be quite upset to hear that a new sports franchise has allegedly taken cheating to the next level. The FBI is investigating baseball’s St. Louis Cardinals for allegedly hacking into a rival team, the Houston Astros’ information database, stealing important information about players and others involved in the organization. Although sign-stealing

Top-Tier Health Insurers are Rushing to Merge

6/16/2015 It appears that the wave of high-level consolidations in the business world has now carried over to the nation’s top health insurers. United Healthcare, by far the industry leader, has approached Aetna, the U.S.’s third-largest health insurer, this week in early discussions of a merger. Anthem, the country’s second-leading health plan provider has also

House Hearing on Data Breach likely to get Heated

6/15/2015 The House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Government Reform will conduct a hearing Tuesday on the recent announcements of major data breaches involving the U.S. Office of Personal Management (OPM), essentially the “human resources” division of the U.S. Government. Many in congress are extremely worried about, not only the department’s security vulnerabilities, but of

New Net Neutrality Rules Went into Effect Friday, but will they Stick?

6/15/2015 Although the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has been defeated by the courts twice before in very public fashion over the issue of net neutrality; new rules proposed by the FCC in February quietly went into effect on Friday, June 12th. This comes as a three-judge panel from the D.C. Circuit Appeals Court denied a

House of Representatives Pushes Back: TPP’s Future in Doubt

6/13/2015 In a stunning display of rebellion in the House of Representatives, Democrats strongly rejected President Obama’s last minute blitz to convince them to support giving him Fast Track Authority (FTA) in order to negotiate the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). As a concession to avoid a Senate filibuster last month, approval of the FTA was

Texas Executor’s Guide to Sales of Estate Property

Generally any debts of the deceased arepayable primarily out of the probate assets. What is not available is the homestead, exempt personal property are set aside and family allowances. Underneath Texas law TEC 355.109 The probate representative must follow a will, if one exists. Otherwise the deceased’s property is liable for debts and expenses of

Successor Liability Under the WPLA

A big concern of a company purchasing another company is liabilities. Generally, the transfer of assets does not mean the transfer of liabilities. The sale of corporate assets is a transfer of an interest separable from the corporate entity and does not result in a transfer of unbargained-for liabilities from the seller to the purchaser.

National Cannabis Bar Association: Mainstream Marijuana

6/12/2015 Perhaps it was inevitable, or perhaps it is a stroke of genius, but a coalition of attorneys has launched the National Cannabis Bar Association (NCBA) in order to help people navigate what has been called the “green rush.” Medical marijuana is legal in some form in 23 states, and recreational marijuana is legal in

Will Amendments, Leaked TPP Pharmaceutical Revelations Sway House Voters?

6/11/2015 The House of Representatives began a two-day debate on Thursday over giving President Obama “fast-track” authorization (FTA) to negotiate the 12-country Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade agreement on behalf of the U.S., leading to a congressional vote without amendments or filibusters. Friday’s expected House vote is the final hurdle the president needs after the Senate