‘World Cup of Fraud’

5/28/2015 In what looks to be the most widespread and lucrative corruption scandal in the global history of sport, the U.S. Justice Department has unsealed a 47-count indictment against 14 executives of the worldwide soccer governing body, FIFA. The executives are being charged with racketeering, wire fraud, and money laundering. The Justice Department alleges that

Supreme Court Rules War is not Excuse for missed Whistleblower Deadlines

5/27/2015 In a decision that helps to define the statute of limitations for whistleblower cases, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled Tuesday, May 26th that whistleblowers do not get extra time to file false claims complaints during a time of war. The case revolves around former Iraq contractor, Benjamin Carter, whose 2011 complaint under review alleges

5th Circuit Appeals Court deals Obama’s Immigration policy Another Blow

5/27/2015 For the second time in as many months, a federal court has upheld the stoppage of a key portion of President Obama’s November 2014 executive order reforming U.S. immigration policy. A split 3-judge panel from the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld Texas Federal Judge, Andrew Hanen’s February injunction of the executive order after

More Cable Consolidation as Charter buys Time Warner

5/26/2015 Charter Communications is expected to announce on Tuesday that the company has reached an agreement to purchase Time Warner Cable. If the deal passes regulatory scrutiny, the third and second largest cable providers, respectively, will provide heavy competition to industry leader Comcast, as well as other companies like DirecTV and Netflix. The estimated $55

Rope Snaps in NSA-Spying Tug of War

5/24/2105 ’Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.’ Sir Walter Scott could not have written a more apt fictional parable than the legislative mayhem occurring inside of the Capitol this past week regarding the immediate future of the controversial and secretive National Security Agency’s (NSA) spying program. As we

TPP: The China Question

5/21/2015 As the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “fast track” debate continues its push through the congressional gauntlet, my fellow colleague Jay and I have analyzed hundreds of texts and perspectives surrounding the trade deal. We have covered labor, patent and trademarks, mass-torts, environmental concerns, and the highly controversial Investor State Dispute Resolution (ISDS) system, and little

Will Baseball’s Antitrust Exemption Survive the Supreme Court?

5/20/2015 Baseball is a game of eternal youth, and nothing may be more evident of that than listening to 95 year-old retired Supreme Court Justice, John Paul Stevens talk passionately about the future course of the sport. In a May 15th speech in front of the Sports Lawyers Association in Baltimore, Justice Stevens recalled his

Assumption of Risk under the WPLA

Recovery under the WPLA requires proof that the unsafe product was the proximate cause of the claimant’s injuries. A plaintiff seeking to recover must also be aware of the common law defenses to what was the cause of injury because the WPLA does not preempt existing common law defenses, including assumption of risk. Although assumption