Tylenol MDL: Acetaminophen Linked to Serious Side Effects, Death

Last year, a Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) was created to consolidate lawsuits against McNeil PPC, Inc., the company that owns Johnson and Johnson, alleging that “over-the-counter (“OTC”) acetaminophen containing products that are [marketed] and sold under its TYLENOL® brand-name caused liver damage, including liver failure, even when taken as directed.” Currently, there are about 125 Tylenol

Defective Nissan Brakes: Class-Action Suit Settled

Today, Reuters reported that Nissan North America “agreed to reimburse customers between $20 and $800 each to resolve a lawsuit alleging that defects in certain vehicles caused brakes to fail suddenly, according to court papers.”  Fortunately, no deaths have as yet been attributed to these defective Nissan brakes. According to the Associated Press, “A judge

New DOJ Rules to Curb Racial Profiling

Today, the United States Department of Justice announced policies to curb racial profiling.  To be clear, these rules to curb racial profiling will largely not apply to local police forces.  Local police have come under fire following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by an officer in Ferguson, Missouri and the tragic death of Eric

US Education Reforms: New Push for “No Child Left Behind”

Last week, the Associated Press reported on a renewed push from congressional Republicans for an update to George W. Bush’s signature “No Child Left Behind” education policy.  Whether such education reforms remain politically feasible, even with Republican control of both the House and Senate, is yet to be seen. AP: “In 2013, a bill to

Mercedes Plant Union Possible with National Labor Relations Board Ruling

This week, the National Labor Relations Board “upheld a ruling that Mercedes violated federal labor laws by stopping United Auto Workers union supporters from handing out literature inside its Alabama plant”, as reported by the Associated Press.  While laborers at this Mercedes plant – the largest in the United States – are not organized, the

Wisconsin Right to Work Law Gains Political Potential

WISCONSIN – Yesterday, the Associated Press reported that a conservative group has begun a new effort to establish a Wisconsin right to work law.  The group, called Wisconsin Right to Work, was created “a month after Gov. Scott Walker won a second term and Republicans, many of whom support right-to-work laws, increased their majority in

Forbes: Education Investments with $225 Trillion Return

Investment in education is often touted by politicians on both sides of the aisle as a sound investment – and it is, but many such claims lack empirical support.  One Forbes article I found recently set out to provide just that empirical support, aiming to “determine the costs and benefits of taking U.S. schoolkids from

New Washington Gun Background Check Rules Take Effect Thursday

Sunday, the Seattle Times reported that new, stronger gun background checks will become effective for Washington State on Thursday (12/4/2014).  These new Washington gun background check rules (Ref. 591) passed with 59% of the popular vote on November 4th and will require “background checks on all sales and transfers, including private transactions and many loans

FDA Menu Labeling Rules Criticized by the GOP

Today, I read a critique of the new FDA menu labeling rules that was published by the Heritage Foundation.  A staff writer claimed, “The final rule has taken this FDA power grab to a whole new level” and said the Obama Administration is “confusing health with safety.” That writer says public safety is the chief