Walgreens Held Liable in Privacy Suit

Health care privacy law, as we’ve noted here, is an area of law that continues to grow at a precipitous rate.  HIPAA and health care privacy protections may  intersect with employment law issues, underscoring the weight of responsibility for all keepers and handlers of private medical information — and the people and companies that may

Industry Reaction to New ROV Rules

As expected, industry push-back came soon after new rules were enacted by the US Consumer Protection Safety Commission for the regulation of recreational off-highway vehicles (ROVs).  To highlight some of that industry reaction to new ROV rules, I’ve included a statement by the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association trade group.   “The Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association

Strker Hip Replacement Settlement Valued at $1.4 Billion

This month, CBS affiliate WNEM reported that a settlement has been reached in a lawsuit over defective Stryker hips.  In this defective hip replacement settlement, Stryker agreed to pay over $1.4 billion in damages to patients who received faulty implants. For more on defective hip replacements, check out our sister blog, DangerousDrugs WNEM writes, “Thousands

Ebola Gown Lawsuit Filed Against Kimberly Clark

On October 31st, the Associated Press reported that, “[a pending] $500 million lawsuit against Kimberly-Clark Corp. alleges the company falsely claimed its surgical gowns protected against Ebola and other infectious diseases.” (hyperlink added)  This Ebola gown lawsuit was filed against the company on October 29th, and the plaintiff alleges that the giant personal care company

New Calorie Count Rules Announced by the FDA

Yesterday, the United States Food and Drug Administration announced new calorie count rules that will be enacted December 2nd.  According to the FDA release, these rules “[require] that calorie information be listed on menus and menu boards in chain restaurants, similar retail food establishments and vending machines with 20 or more locations to provide consumers

GM Recall Update – Death Toll Stands at 35

Today, the Chicago Tribune reported that two additional deaths have been attributed to faulty General Motors ignition switches.  So far, the total lies at 35 dead and many more injuries have been legally tied to the defective ignition switch problem that sparked a recall of millions of GM cars and trucks this year.  Sadly, it

2014 Midterm Elections – Hinds County Election Fraud

Tomorrow, there will be a runoff election in Hinds County, where Jackson, Mississippi and most of its suburbs are located.  Hopefully, all goes well this time — The Clarion-Ledger reported that “Hinds County Election Commission Chairwoman Connie Cochran admitted [November 10th, 2014] that she broke the law by not ordering the required number of ballots

Not a “Surprise” – Comcast Disagrees Over Net Neutrality

A few weeks ago, telecommunications giant Comcast put out a statement indicating that the company (sort of) agreed with President Obama’s remarks about net neutrality this month.  Before I go over how the company and the administration agree and disagree over net neutrality, it would probably help to explain what net neutrality is, and what’s

Fresh GOP Lawsuit Over Obamacare

Today, Republican lawmakers in the US House of Representatives have filed a long-threatened lawsuit against the Obama administration over the Affordable Care Act, commonly known as “Obamacare.”  This is not by any stretch the first time we’ve seen the GOP sue over Obamacare, but as it comes not 24 hours after the President’s speech outlining

ROV Regulations Published by CPSC 11/19/2014

As I wrote on Tuesday, the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission announced it would propose new ROV regulations, aiming to make these recreational off-highway vehicles more safe.  On Wednesday, the proposal was made formal and was released online.  The full release is available here, and below I have included a few excerpts. “The U.S.