BLOCKED! What’s next for TPP?

5/13/2015 What happened? When 8 pro-trade Democrat Senators left a strategy meeting on Tuesday and announced their opposition to continuing the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) “fast-track” debate at 1pm, it marked the strongest rebuke of President Obama by his own party in his tenure. The resulting 52-45 vote, although technically gaining a majority of votes, will

Mirrored Puget Sound Development is a rare study on Regulatory Approaches

5/11/2015 Conservative writer and columnist, Charles Murray, wrote a poignant Saturday Essay in the Wall Street Journal, arguing for a citizens’ revolt over the increasingly complicated world of governmental oversight. Noting that there are currently over 175,000 pages of regulations on the books, and moving in an upward trend, Murray contrasts the amount of regulation

Dewey and Leboeuf: “Big Law” on Trial

5/10/2015 In a pointed example of a mega-merger gone terribly wrong, jury selection has concluded for the trial of 3 executives from the former New York-based legal powerhouse, Dewey & LeBoeuf. Former Chairman, Steven Davis, former Executive Director, Stephen DiCarmine, and former CFO, Joel Sanders are each facing several charges including fraud, grand larceny, and

Lack of Privity Bars In Breach of Warrany Claims Under the WPLA

The WPLA allows claimants to recover for breach of express or implied warranties: “(2) A product manufacturer is subject to strict liability to a claimant if the claimant’s harm was proximately caused by the fact that the product was not reasonably safe in construction or not reasonably safe because it did not conform to the

What are the “Tougher” TPP Labor and Environmental Standards?

5/8/2015 The new locus for discussing the balance between labor and trade in the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement is literally on the feet of millions. President Barack Obama is in Beaverton, Oregon today at the Nike headquarters to deliver a speech promoting the value of the proposed trade deal, especially with regards to imports.