It’s common for truck accident victims to be awarded damages (i.e. money) for medical care and lost wages.
If you’re looking to maximize your truck accident settlement, there are a few ways you can do this. When you receive the maximum amount of compensation your injuries and losses entitle you to, you’re likely able to afford the unruly medical costs that follow a collision.
Read on to find out more about what you can do to ensure you’re awarded fair compensation after a truck accident in Los Angeles, CA.
Here’s what you need to do to raise the value of your truck accident claim
While there is no guaranteed way to get your truck accident claim to increase in value, there are steps that can potentially help you get more money. Here is a few Los Angeles truck accident lawyers recommend you follow.
- Negotiate with the insurance company.
Rather than accept the first settlement offer the insurance company presents you with, try negotiating with the carrier for a higher amount. If you calculated your medical bills, lost wages, etc., and have found they are higher than what the insurance company has offered, you can use this information as your basis for asking for a higher settlement.
If you’ve tried negotiating with the insurance company or aren’t sure how to go about doing it, a Los Angeles, CA truck accident attorney can step in and help. In fact, it’s usually a better idea to have a lawyer handle the insurance claims process for you as they are well-versed in the field and know exactly what should and shouldn’t be said.
- Request compensation for pain and suffering.
It’s common for truck accident victims to be awarded damages (i.e. money) for medical care and lost wages. Unfortunately, insurance companies don’t always consider a victim’s pain and suffering. Because truck accidents can have a negative impact on both your physical and psychological health, you should be provided with some sort of relief to make up for this.

Since the initiator of the truck accident can’t undo their actions, they should at least provide you with compensation. Now, it is worth noting that calculating pain and suffering can be a bit challenging which is why most people retail a truck accident attorney to help them with this.
- Request compensation for past and future medical expenses.
If the insurance company or the at-fault party isn’t offering you compensation for future medical expenses, you can always request that they do. If the truck accident has left you severely injured and in need of ongoing medical care, you’ll want to consider how much this is going to cost you and present the information to the liable party.
Navigating the legal system and dealing with insurance companies isn’t an easy thing to do, especially if you’re still recovering from your injuries. So, if you’d like assistance with finding a truck accident lawyer in the Los Angeles area who will help you maximize your claim’s value, call When contacting, simply ask for help with locating “attorneys near me.”
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