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Strength Training Key to Warding Off Heart, Nerve Diseases

— August 27, 2024

The activation of a protein called BAG3 promotes ridding the body of cellular damage, improving the health of athletes and others.

A new study, published in Current Biology, highlights the activation of a protein called BAG3, a key player in eliminating damaged cellular components, a process crucial for muscle building, as well as heart and nerve health, when engaging in strength training exercises. The research, led by Professor Jörg Höhfeld of the University of Bonn’s Institute of Cell Biology, found that strength training effectively activates BAG3 in the muscles, leading to improved cellular waste clearance and potentially warding off muscle degeneration and other serious health conditions. These findings are particularly useful for athletes in active training.

The elimination of damaged cells, a process akin to taking out the cellular garbage, plays an important role in the health and longevity of a person’s body’s tissues and organs. The protein BAG3, in particular, identifies and helps surround damaged areas within a membrane to form what is known as an “autophagosome.” These autophagosomes are equivalent to biological garbage bags that isolate the damages for later breakdown and recycling by the cell.

Not only useful for athletes, these results hold positive implications for broader populations as well. As muscles and nerves are constantly subject to wear and tear, the body’s ability to clear out damaged components is crucial for sustaining high-performance tissues. Impairments in the BAG3 system have been linked to serious health issues like rapidly progressing muscle weakness in children and heart failure in adults.

Strength Training Key to Warding Off Heart, Nerve Diseases
Photo by Victor Freitas from Pexels

Heart failure remains one of the leading causes of death in industrialized nations, accounting for approximately 13% of all deaths globally, with an estimated 64.3 million people affected worldwide. The activation of BAG3 through strength training could serve as a preventive measure or natural approach to mitigating cardiovascular events.

Professor Sebastian Gehlert of Hildesheim emphasized the practical implications for their findings, stating that “strength training can now be optimized for top athletes and patients in physical therapy.” Knowing the intensity levels required to activate the BAG3 system allows for more effective individually tailored programs focused on building and preserving muscle mass. For athletes, this could mean enhanced performance and recovery, while for physical therapy patients, it may offer a more targeted approach to muscle rehabilitation.

Mutations in the BAG3 gene are also associated with Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, a condition that causes nerve fibers in the arms and legs to degenerate, leading to loss of movement in the hands and feet. The research team studied cells from individuals with this syndrome and found that certain mutations disrupt the BAG3 elimination processes. This discovery opens the door to potential therapies for nerve diseases, which are notoriously difficult to treat.

In addition to its relevance to sports medicine, heart disease, and nerve conditions, the study’s findings are transferrable to space travel and critical care medicine. Astronauts, who experience muscle atrophy due to the lack of mechanical stimulation in microgravity environments, and patients immobilized in intensive care units may benefit from therapies targeting the BAG3 system. Without the mechanical forces provided by regular movement, BAG3 remains inactive, leading to rapid muscle wasting. Researchers hope that by developing drugs that activate BAG3 without the need for mechanical stimulation, they can mitigate these effects in space travel and critical care settings.


Force-induced dephosphorylation activates the cochaperone BAG3 to coordinate protein homeostasis and membrane traffic: Current Biology

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Strength training activates cellular waste disposal, interdisciplinary research reveals

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