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Thinking of Asset Division? Top Signs to Hire a Family Lawyer

— October 4, 2024

Disputes often emerge regarding valuing assets like businesses, real estate, or valuable personal property.

Property division is the most complex factor in divorce, and research demonstrates that there has been a 62% surge in loan inquiries regarding divorce in Boston. Going through a divorce phase is financially and emotionally tiring, which can be solved by a professional family lawyer. Conducting the best “family lawyer near me” search on search engines will show the best lawyers in Boston who can legally divide the assets between the spouses amid the stressful situation. 

Are you worried about not receiving what you lawfully deserve in a divorce? Hiring a family lawyer is an absolute must! Below are some of the best signs to hire a family lawyer who can advocate for your rights and steer you through these challenging times.

  1. Conflicts on valuation

Disputes often emerge regarding valuing assets like businesses, real estate, or valuable personal property. A veteran family lawyer in Boston can help negotiate such altercations and enlist the expertise of financial specialists or appraisers to arrive at meticulous valuations. 

  1. Intricate assets 

If you & your spouse have garnered massive assets during your marriage, including marital homes, several properties, investments, and businesses or retirement tabs, the division procedure can become highly intricate. A family lawyer in Boston specializing in asset division can offer in-depth assistance in establishing the value of these assets and guaranteeing a reasonable distribution. 

  1. Debt division

    The word debt and an eraser
    The word debt and an eraser; image courtesy of alancleaver via Pixabay,

Fairly sharing debts accumulated during the marriage is another aspect of asset distribution. Deciding the accountable person for whom debts can be a controversial problem, mainly if one party tries to diver burden unreasonably. A family attorney can help steer a reasonable division of debts and safeguard your financial claims. 

  1. Emotional hindrances

Separation or divorce is an emotionally taxing procedure, and conflicts over assets can often be accelerated by anger, bitterness, and infidelity. A neutral third party, for example, a mediation lawyer or family lawyer, can assist in de-escalating pressures and diminish productive negotiations focused on obtaining an equitable asset division. 

  1. Requirement for arbitration or mediation

Where conventional legal proceedings aren’t the chosen path, substitute dispute resolution strategies, such as arbitration or mediation, can provide a more amenable and cost-efficient way to fix asset division problems. A mediator and division of assets attorney skilled in these techniques can assist in steering conversations toward a resolution.

Ways to Prepare for Division of Assets

  • Create a list – With the most appropriate organization skills, splitting assets after a separation is straightforward. The first step includes creating a list of your shared & individual investments. You may sit with your partner and talk about your possessions. If you think of terminating the marriage, then there should be no grounds that you can’t reach a reasonable decision.   
  • Obtain your property value – Despite jotting down a list of your assets, you must obtain your property value mainly if your home is shared with a spouse. Your property value can be received after an appraiser examines it and presents the right amount. Such details will make it hassle-free to split the amount and ensure you have obtained accurate information. 
  • Stay positive and open-minded – Terminating the asset division is a troublesome and laborious process that annoys many people. Hence, trying to be positive with your partner would be best. Unluckily, in some scenarios, an understanding between a couple & an ordinary lawyer is impossible, and third-party intervention, such as the best family lawyer in Boston, is needed. 


Undergoing a divorce alone isn’t recommended, as professional family attorneys in Boston are always there to assist you in splitting assets. Above are the best reasons to hire a family lawyer while considering asset division to safeguard your rights.  

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