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Three Reasons Truck Accident Victims in Portland Should Sue

— March 25, 2022

diabled after the crash will be able to argue for larger amounts, as they will likely need significant medical treatment.

Portland, OR – A driver of a large truck or other commercial vehicle can be sued in a similar way to other cars on the road. This is because drivers are all responsible for maintaining a certain standard of care while driving, and they can be sued in a negligence case if they cause property damage and injuries. Victims can retain an attorney who handles truck accidents in Portland to get representation and guidance throughout the process to bring a civil lawsuit. It is important for those who are considering a lawsuit to get an overview of how negligence cases work and the reasons that a lawsuit can be beneficial. 

There are damages available to truck accident victims in Portland

Victims of truck accidents can try to receive various types of compensation for their injuries and related losses. The complaint that starts the lawsuit will list these amounts in the section for damages, sometimes called a statement for relief. This includes medical treatment and healthcare costs, lost income and wages, and non-economic compensation for mental and physical pain and suffering. A person who was seriously injured or becomes diabled after the crash will be able to argue for larger amounts, as they will likely need significant medical treatment, and they will be able to prove the associated costs.

Image of a Disabled Individual in Wheelchair
Disabled Individual in Wheelchair; image courtesy of stevepb via Pixabay,

Trucking companies have special insurance

In order for a business to operate a fleet of vehicles like large semi trucks in Oregon, they need to buy special insurance policies. These policies can often cover very large amounts of damage, especially considering the fact that the average truck crash in the United States costs somewhere between a few hundred thousand and a few million dollars. The company that employs the driver will be named as the defendant in the lawsuit, and their insurance will cover these losses in most cases. 

Truckers are held to a fairly high standard of care

A negligence case needs to show that the driver deviated from the required standard of care. Truck drivers need to follow rules related to things like speed limits, stop signs, lane changes, and driving under the influence. However, there are also a number of regulations that are special to the trucking industry that need to be observed as well. This includes a number of things such as required break times, limiting driving hours, loading cargo properly, and observing weight limits. Any evidence of the driver not following these rules can become relevant in a lawsuit. 

Oregon truck crash attorneys is a site that lists truck accident lawyers in Portland and other cities around the country. People who need assistance after an accident and associated injuries can meet with an attorney to receive more specific advice. 

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