Experienced lawyer Tim Holland teaches attorneys how to maximize value in slip and fall cases in nationwide webinar on Premises Liability and Slip and Fall Litigation.
Grand Rapids, Mich. – Tim Holland of Slip and Fall Lawyer Help taught a webinar for lawyers throughout the country on how to win premises liability, slip and fall, and trip and fall cases.
Tim Holland is arguably one of Michigan’s most successful and experienced premises liability attorneys. He has litigated more than 200 slip and fall, trip and fall, and premises liability cases throughout the state of Michigan. He has argued and won important premises liability cases in the Michigan appellate courts and taught a class on premises liability at Davenport University. He has taught national webinars to lawyers all over the country on how to win slip and fall and premises liability cases.
In his presentation, “Maximizing Value in Difficult Premises Cases,” Tim taught lawyers how to identify viable premises liability cases and maximize the value of settlements and trial verdicts, incorporating tips for strategies to demonstrate liability and neutralize defenses. Attorneys from around the country attended this educational event, which is sponsored by SeminarWeb and the Michigan Association for Justice.

“Premises liability and slip and fall cases are not impossible to win in Michigan,” said Holland, “but they are difficult, and they are always aggressively defended. Property owners have learned it is often easier to refuse to take responsibility even when their negligence causes real harm and injury to innocent people. That’s why it’s essential that lawyers understand how to help slip and fall injury victims. The seminar focuses on how to approach these cases from sign-up to investigation to settlements and trial.”
Tim is committed to holding negligent and careless property owners accountable when innocent people are hurt.
Visit the Slip and Fall Lawyer Help website to find out how Tim Holland can help you after a slip and fall or a trip and fall injury.
Michigan Slip and Fall Lawyer Help is the state’s only law firm specializing exclusively in premises liability, slip and fall, and trip and fall accident cases, helping people throughout the state. Headed by Tim Holland, who is arguably one of Michigan’s most successful and experienced premises liability attorneys, Michigan Slip and Fall Lawyer Help has a proven track record of winning extraordinary settlement results for its clients. Tim is an in-demand attorney and speaker, teaching lawyers how to win slip and fall injury cases at legal seminars and conferences throughout the country. He has taught classes at the university level on premises liability law. Tim is also a published author on premises liability law. For more information on Michigan Slip and Fall Lawyer Help click here or visit https://slipandfalllawyerhelp.com/
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