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Tips on How to Survive the Decision to Divorce in Long Beach, California

— June 12, 2023

Take it one step at a time.

Let’s face it, divorce can be rough and often is for most of the people who go through it. They can be physically and financially draining, impact your ability to work, and change your entire life course. Although divorces are tough, possibly some of the worst situations some people will ever have to go through, there are things you can do to ease the burden, making them a little easier to get through.

If you’re preparing to file for divorce, we encourage you to seek legal advice from reputable divorce lawyers as they can provide you with the guidance you might be needing right about now. We’ve also rounded up a few helpful tips included in an article written by Ann Gold Buscho, Ph.D. that can help you survive the decision to divorce1.

Feeling overwhelmed by your decision to divorce? Consider these tips.

Choosing divorce over trying to fix your marital issues may be the only option you have left, but it can be difficult to accept. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by your decision, consider the tips Buscho has to offer.

  1. Take it one step at a time. Rather than focusing on the big picture, that is you living on your own, try taking it one moment at a time. Buscho shared two examples of how you can do this–through meditation and breathing exercises. No matter what technique you use to ground yourself, it’s important to maintain control over yourself and your emotions as you navigate this uncharted territory.
  1. Focus on your well-being. An influx of emotions can sometimes impede our ability to care for ourselves, but it’s important to try and fight off the temptation to just “give up” on yourself. Buscho says you should “focus on making yourself food, getting sleep, and caring for your children.”

    Woman in seated meditation in the water at a lakeshore; image by Audrey Hope, via
    Woman in seated meditation in the water at a lakeshore; image by Audrey Hope, via
  1. Don’t make any big decisions. While one person might feel inclined to plot out how they will get revenge on their spouse or do something irrational such as try and hide money, Buscho says you should “stay in the present moment, as as you begin to calm your emotions you will be able to make rational decisions.”

Although there is going to be a lot you’ll need to consider as you prepare for divorce, one thing courts encourage is consulting with Long Beach divorce lawyers. While you may not be ready to lawyer up, California divorce lawyers offer more than just serving as a loud voice in the courtroom. Divorce lawyers help you understand the process you are about to enter and the different avenues it might take.

A lawyer will also address your questions and concerns, essentially helping you to feel more comfortable and confident about the process. So, if you’re ready to speak with divorce or child custody lawyers near you now, is ready to help. We’ll help you get your initial consultation scheduled so you don’t have to worry about taking on another task.

Have questions about this article or a legal concern? Call 800-672-3103.



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