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Travel Safety Laws: What You Need to Know Before Your Next Trip

— July 15, 2024

Traveling abroad is an amazing experience. It is an even better experience when you’ve taken the time to make sure you are protecting yourself in order to have a safe trip.

Traveling the world can be one of the most exhilarating and rewarding experiences that exist out there today. It is at once an incredible opportunity to try new things, learn about yourself, and discover different cultures and ways of living. World travel has the potential to completely reshape your outlook on the world, the people in it, and how you interact within your small piece of the bigger picture. 

Although traveling is an incredible opportunity, it does come with some inherent risks. Different countries have a wide range of different laws and tolerances for enforcing them on visiting foreigners. Beyond that, not every country is a perfectly safe place to wander around discovering yourself, and may require a greater degree of self-preservation. Taking the time to do research to understand the laws, customs, and general security of a country before visiting is an essential aspect of responsible traveling. 

Prioritizing Personal Safety

Personal safety is absolutely the responsibility of each and every person traveling in a foreign country, therefore, it pays to head to your destination with a personal safety plan in mind. Preparation before traveling can include doing a bit of research on topics such as how common petty theft is in certain areas, self-defense laws in the country you’re visiting, and what risks might exist for women and minorities in certain areas. 

From there, it is important to make a plan to respond accordingly. For instance, certain countries have more stringent self-defense laws which might make certain things like carrying pepper spray more of a risk to you legally than it is worth. Likewise, if petty theft is known to be a problem around certain tourist attractions, it might be worth it to invest in a money belt or lock up valuables in your hotel room before going out. 

Taking the time to learn about and understand the differences in the local culture can also be a valuable means of preparing for your personal safety. For instance, if you are a female traveling alone, you may need to take more precautions such as wearing more conservative clothing or avoiding long walks back to your hotel in the dark. Likewise, gay and lesbian couples may need to do research on cultural tolerance before heading out to certain foreign countries. 

Preparing for a Medical Emergency

No one really expects for there to be a medical emergency on their international vacation but, if one does happen, you will sure be glad you did some research ahead of time. Perhaps one of the most important tidbits of research to do in advance is to spend some time looking up and understanding how the healthcare system works in the country you are planning to visit. Having a few important emergency numbers pre-loaded into your phone and checking your international healthcare coverage aren’t bad ideas either. 

It is a good idea to research any local health concerns in areas you plan on visiting in advance and get appropriate vaccines if required, before you leave on your trip. Likewise, if you are currently taking any medications, make sure you have a supply that will last for the duration of your vacation. If you have any known health conditions, it can be beneficial to translate a description of your condition into the local language and keep a paper copy on you at all times. 

Taking the time to learn a little bit of first aid may also be a good strategy for avoiding a medical emergency in another country. For instance, learning skills like recognizing the signs of choking and knowing how to do the Heimlich maneuver if you see that someone is unable to breathe or speak. Packing a small first aid kit in your bag could also come in handy as you enjoy your adventure abroad. 

Understanding the Local Laws

Finally, before you travel abroad, be sure to have a decent understanding of some of the local laws. Hundreds of travelers are imprisoned in foreign countries every year for committing crimes that are perfectly legal in their home country. For instance, things like smoking in public, staying with someone of the opposite sex you’re not married or related to, or displaying certain tattoos can get you arrested in some countries.

Map of the world with travel items laying on it; image by Nataliya Vaitkevich, via
Map of the world with travel items laying on it; image by Nataliya Vaitkevich, via

One of the biggest watch-out situations for those traveling in a foreign country is illegal substances. A number of countries have very strict penalties associated with controlled substances, including alcohol, often making the adventure not worth the risk. 

If arrested abroad for breaking local laws, you will have to work through the county’s legal system and may be sentenced in the country. Your embassy can help ensure you’re treated fairly, but they can’t just get you out of jail if you’ve broken a law. One of the most important things you can do to protect yourself while traveling is to understand the local laws and stick to following them. 

Traveling abroad is an amazing experience. It is an even better experience when you’ve taken the time to make sure you are protecting yourself in order to have a safe trip. A little research into local laws, customs, and personal safety strategies can go a long way. 

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