Marc Kasowitz, personal attorney to President Donald Trump, raised eyebrows after he sent a string of vulgar and profanity-laced e-mails to a stranger late Wednesday night.
The wealthy New York lawyer is currently employed by Trump and is the main man tasked with defending the president from allegations that his administration colluded with Russia during the 2016 elections. Kasowitz has a reputation among his peers and colleagues for being and tough and temperamental, having met success early in his career.
Earlier in the week, ProPublica wrote a report which touched on some of Kasowitz’s soft spots.
The authors of the article, Justin Elliott and Jessie Eisinger, speculated that Kasowitz may not pursue a security clearance in the course of the hearings – quite possibly because he wouldn’t be able to obtain one, due to his lengthy history of alcohol abuse and less-than-professional workplace encounters.
A retired public relations professional purportedly e-mailed Kasowitz after hearing the story discussed on MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow Show.

The correspondence contained the one-sentence subject line: ‘Resign Now.’
Kasowitz didn’t take kindly to criticism.
“Fuck you,” wrote the Trump attorney.
When the anonymous sender told Kasowitz that “no good can come from this” – referring either to the lawyer’s involvement in the Russia investigation or, perhaps, his lack of sense as a public personality – he received a crude threat back within five minutes.
“Watch your back, bitch,” wrote Kasowitz, among other things.
The curt conversation continued on, with the public relations professional thanking Kasowitz for his ‘kind reply.’
The already-juvenile exchange of correspondences edged another step closer to outrageous when Kasowitz sent his critic a cell phone number, urging him to call.
“Don’t be afraid, you piece of shit,” he wrote, escalating the conversation to an aggressive level of absurdity common only among immature users of social media.
Kasowitz’s final e-mail referenced his Jewish faith, which he presumed to share with his electronic critic.
“I already know where you live, I’m on you. You might as well call me. You will see me. I promise. Bro,” concluded the 65-year old lawyer.
Not long after the comically juvenile exchange went public, Kasowitz’s spokesman found himself performing a bit of damage control.
“Mr. Kasowitz, who is tied up with client matters, said he intends to apologize to the writer of the email referenced in today’s ProPublica story. While no excuse, the email came at the end of a long day that at 10 p.m. was not yet over,” said spokesman Mike Sitrick in a statement CNN.
“The person sending that email is entitled to his opinion and I should not have responded in that inappropriate manner,” wrote Kasowitz as part of the same statement. “I intend to send him an email stating just that. This is one of those times where one wishes he could reverse the clock, but of course I can’t.”
Trump Lawyer Marc Kasowitz Threatens Stranger in Emails: ‘Watch Your Back , Bitch’
Trump’s personal lawyer: ‘Watch your back, bitch’
Trump’s Russia Lawyer Isn’t Seeking Security Clearance, And May Have Trouble Getting One
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