Title VII applies for state government workplaces, local and municipal government workplaces, and even to private companies that have more than 15 employees.
In most cases, sexual harassment will be considered a civil matter in which the victim can go ahead and file a lawsuit for proper and fair compensation. Prosecutors will likely be unable to pursue criminal charges and the perpetrator will likely not go to jail, but they will still have to pay a significant amount of money to the victim. However, even this will only be done when a person is able to prove the fault of the offender, and this is best done through gathering as much evidence as possible. Sexual harassment is only considered a criminal case, in which the perpetrator can be legally charged as a criminal, if it also includes battery or assault.
There are several sexual harassment laws in Colorado that protect a person from suffering in this manner. One of them is a federal law known as Title VII. Title VII prohibits sexual harassment in the workplace and considers it a type of sex and gender discrimination. This law gives the victim the right to take legal action against the individual who harmed them so they can be compensated for the pain they suffered.

Title VII applies for state government workplaces, local and municipal government workplaces, and even to private companies that have more than 15 employees. Through this law a person can bring a lawsuit against their harasser or even sue their employer for failing to keep them safe.
Generally speaking, sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances that either create a hostile work environment or that have employment benefits linked to it. If a supervisor consistently asks a person to carry out a favor of this nature for them in exchange for a job promotion or to avoid a certain penalty, then this comes under sexual harassment, and the employer can be taken to court for it. Once again, it will be a civil case unless there was battery and assault included.
Connect with a trained sexual harassment lawyer in Denver, Colorado
It is vital that a person reach out to a lawyer as soon as possible once they have decided to go forward with filing a sexual harassment complaint. A lawyer who specializes in this field can guide a person through the lawsuit and hold the offender to account for the harm they caused and the unjust behavior they carried out.
Anyone who is being harassed at work or who believes they are a victim of sexual harassment should reach out to a lawyer at Anderson Barkley Attorneys at Law today to get the legal support they need so justice is served.
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