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What is a Probation Before Judgment Verdict for DUI Cases?

— May 2, 2023

If a person obtains a PBJ it means that the judge is giving a period or probation instead of taking the guilty verdict.

In some unique cases, when a person is arrested for driving under the influence, they may be granted Probation Before Judgment (PBJ). This is like a second chance being given to them through the courts. If a person obtains a PBJ it means that the judge is giving a period or probation instead of taking the guilty verdict. The best part of obtaining a PBJ is that if an individual is successful during this period the points will not be added to their license so they will not be penalized as severely. The best candidates for a PBJ are those who do not have a criminal background and they are just facing their first charge.

However, no one should opt for this route without discussing it with lawyers first. Every situation has its own set of unique values that strongly influence what route the defendant should take when they are representing their case in front of the judge. In some case it makes sense to go to trial, while in others it may make more sense to plead guilty based on the amount of evidence the prosecutor has and the severity of the case. Baltimore DUI lawyers will assess a person’s case and guide them to the best legal route for them to pursue. 

It is essential to connect with Maryland DUI lawyers as soon as a person is able to so they can get a better understanding of the events unfolding around them. DUI lawyers can help drivers understand whether they are being charged with a DUI or a DWI charge. In other states these terms are often interchangeable, but this is not the case in Maryland, Both DWI and DUI charges are often placed on individuals who are caught drunk driving. However, a DWI charge is given when there is no breath result, or the result is below 0.08. The state will proceed with a  DUI charge if there is a breath result of .08 or higher, and this will have more serious consequences.

Empty jail cell; image by RODNAE Productions, via
Empty jail cell; image by RODNAE Productions, via

Is Jail Time Necessary After a DUI Arrest in Baltimore, Maryland?

There is the potential for a defendant to face jail time whether they are going through an arrest for DUI or DWI. Whether or not they are actually made to endure the incarceration depends on how strong their defense is and how well their DUI accident lawyers protect them in court.

The more serious their DUI was, and the more prior convictions they carry, the greater their risk of jail time increases. This is a very serious time in a person’s life, and they should make sure they only make legal moves after consulting with a legal professional who has their best interest in mind.

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