It’s important to note that some employers simply make mistakes.
It is very important for employers in Connecticut to classify their workers correctly. Although the terms “employee,” “contractor,” and “worker” might seem interchangeable, there is actually a considerable difference. Different classifications of workers have different rights and freedoms, and sorting workers into the wrong categories can have tremendous effects on their lives. If you believe you have been misclassified as a worker in Connecticut, you may be wondering if you can take legal action.
If you find yourself in this situation, you should consult with a qualified, experienced employment law attorney as soon as possible. These legal professionals can help you strive for the best possible outcome, and in many cases, this involves filing a lawsuit against your employer. Resolving this dispute in a civil court can ensure that you get the benefits and the rights you are rightfully entitled to. You may also receive financial compensation for your damages.
Why Do Employers Misclassify their Workers?
Employers in Connecticut may misclassify their workers for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s important to note that some employers simply make mistakes. They may not be familiar with the various federal and state laws, and they might have just started their business.
However, employers may also intentionally misclassify their workers for certain tax and insurance benefits. For example, misclassifying employees as independent contractors allows employers to get away with all kinds of behavior that would normally be illegal.
The Difference Between a Contractor and an Employee

Usually, disputes over salary misclassification revolve around whether a worker is an employee or a contractor. If you are classified as a contractor, you may experience the following disadvantages:
- No health insurance
- No sick pay
- No overtime pay
- You cannot claim unemployment compensation benefits
- You can be terminated without notice
- You can be terminated without a valid reason
- You are not protected against discrimination
- You are not protected by laws associated with workplace safety.
In contrast, you may experience a number of notable benefits as an employee:
- You can only be terminated for a valid reason
- You can only be terminated with notice
- You can receive the state or federal minimum wage
- You have access to overtime pay
- You can sue if you are discriminated against
As you can see, there are many reasons in which being misclassified as an independent contractor could lead to significant legal issues.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching the Bridgeport area for a qualified, experienced employment law attorney, there are many options available. Team up with one of these legal professionals, and you can hold your employer accountable for any act of misconduct they might have committed, including salary misclassification. A qualified attorney can ensure that your rights as a worker in Connecticut are protected, no matter what category you might fall into. Book your consultation today.
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