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What to Do After a Motorcycle Accident

— November 15, 2021

You can contact a professional motorcycle accident lawyer in South Carolina if you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident.

The NHTSA asserts that motorcyclists are only 5% of the drivers on the road. However, research indicates that deadly motorcycle accidents occurred 27 times more frequently than passenger car accidents in 2017. 

This is why it’s so important to know what to do after a motorcade account, whether you’re the driver or the passenger. Keep in mind the accidents can help in the blink of an eye, whether you’re taking a long trip or going around the corner to run errands. The NHTSA shares that more than half (52%) of motorcycle accidents happen just five miles from home, and 69% happen about ten miles from home. 

Here are some practical things you can do if you ever get into a motorcycle accident. 

Get to a Safe Place 

The first thing you should do after an accident is to assess your surroundings to determine how much danger you could be in. If you’re not terribly injured, try to move as far away from the roadway as possible to get out of the flow of traffic. You should also check to see if anyone else was involved in the accident and assist them in getting to safety if you can. 

Keep On Your Protective Gear

After a motorcycle accident, you will likely be in shock, and your adrenaline may prevent you from noticing that your body is in pain. Remember this while you wait for the paramedics to arrive at the scene of the accident. Don’t remove your helmet or any protective gear you have on to avoid making your injuries worse. 

Call 911

After you’ve gotten to a safe place and before you take off any of your protective gear, call 911 and report your motorcycle accident. Depending on how serious the accident is, the paramedics and police may come directly to the scene. 

Get Medical Attention 

Even if you don’t feel any pain or think that you’re hurt, you should still go to the hospital to get checked after your accident. Your injuries may not be obvious immediately, and sometimes it could take months for your body to show evidence of the impact. If you were riding a motorcycle during the accident, you are more likely to have internal bleeding, damage to your internal organs, and broken bones. 

Gather Evidence

Motorcycle accident; image by Joshua Kimberly (Own work), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, no changes.
Motorcycle accident; image by Joshua Kimberly (Own work), CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons, no changes.

It’s best to gather evidence from your accident as soon as you can. This includes taking pictures and writing notes about what happened while the details are still fresh in your mind. Be sure to get a copy of the police report and speak with any other involved drivers to exchange insurance and contact information. 

Talk to an Attorney and Your Insurer

The sooner you can speak with a personal injury lawyer, the better. Contact a professional motorcycle accident lawyer in South Carolina with experience in representing motorcycle accident clients so you can get the settlement you deserve. 

You’ll also need to contact your insurance company to notify them of your accident. In most cases, insurance companies will try to offer you the lowest possible amount for damages and injuries. You should have a lawyer on your side before talking to any insurance companies to ensure you are properly represented. 

Your attorney can also speak to the insurance companies on your behalf, but you should always seek to contact a lawyer and all involved insurance companies in a timely manner. It is also helpful to have a lawyer representing you because you shouldn’t admit fault to an insurance company. 

This can be difficult to do because claims adjusters can ask questions that could be perceived as an admission of guilt. Don’t admit guilt to the paramedics, other drivers, or the police officer(s), either. 

Final Thoughts

You can contact a professional motorcycle accident lawyer in South Carolina if you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident. An attorney who is trained to assist clients who are vehicle accident victims can let you know which procedures and paperwork you need to complete to present your case in court and get the most compensation possible for your injuries or damages. 

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