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When Can Sexual Harassment by a Supervisor Cause a Connecticut Employer to be Held Accountable?

— January 11, 2022

Despite how frequently the news reports sexual harassment happening in the workplace, sexual harassment victims have a tendency of hiding their issue rather than coming forward with it.

If your supervisor or someone else holding a managerial position sexually harassed you which led to you being fired, demoted, or another form of adverse employment action was taken, your employer can be held accountable for their behavior. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) says employers “are always responsible” for harassment that involves a supervisor that “culminated in a tangible employment action.”

If a supervisor or manager sexually harassed you and you have questions regarding your rights or how they can be exercised, a Connecticut sexual harassment lawyer is the person you should speak with.

When wouldn’t an employer be liable for sexual harassment involving an employer?

Employers generally cannot be held liable for sexual harassment involving a supervisor if both of the following can be proven:

  1. The employer “exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any harassment.”
  2. The employee “unreasonably failed to complain to management or to avoid harm otherwise.”

If your employer failed to enforce their sexual harassment policy or did not take prompt action after being informed about the incident, a sexual harassment attorney in Connecticut will help you understand how you should proceed.

Greyscale photo of woman on a phone call; image by Siavash Ghanbari, via
Greyscale photo of woman on a phone call; image by Siavash Ghanbari, via

Is sexual harassment considered “illegal” behavior in Connecticut?

Sexual harassment falls into the category of discrimination and therefore, violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Americans with Disabilities Act, according to the EEOC. 

Sexual harassment is generally viewed as unlawful when it becomes frequent or so severe that it has led to the development of a hostile work environment. It is also considered illegal when “it becomes a condition of continued employment.”

How can a Connecticut sexual harassment lawyer help after an incident occurred at work?

Despite how frequently the news reports sexual harassment happening in the workplace, sexual harassment victims have a tendency of hiding their issue rather than coming forward with it. Some worry their career will be shattered while others fear their employer will retaliate against them.

A sexual harassment lawyer in Connecticut is someone who can assist you as you navigate through these difficult and confusing times and help you take action when it is the right time for you. A CT sexual harassment attorney will also:

  • Listen to your concerns and ensure they are addressed.
  • Determine if your case warrants legal action. If your income was reduced as a result of the sexual harassment, you may be entitled to recoup lost wages by filing a lawsuit against your employer. An attorney can decide if your case will uphold in court and fight for a favorable outcome.

If you’re ready to discuss your issue with a legal expert who is sure to put your interest first, contact and we’ll help you find a lawyer in your area.

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