Trash, chunks of concrete, shards of metal, and other objects can fall off the back of a dump truck when it is filled to the brim.
While there are many types of commercial trucks in Florida, dump trucks seem to pose an especially significant risk to the public. We have seen a vast number of dump truck accidents over the years in Daytona Beach, and many of these accidents have proven to be fatal. But why are these vehicles so dangerous? How does a dump truck’s design make it more likely to cause an accident? And perhaps most importantly, what should you do if you have been injured in a dump truck accident?
The first thing you should do is get in touch with a qualified, experienced truck accident attorney in Daytona Beach. These legal professionals can guide you towards a positive legal outcome, ensuring that you receiving a settlement that adequately reflects the true extent of your injuries. With this settlement, you can pay for your medical expenses, your missed wages, and a range of non-economic damages. However, it’s worth pointing out that you need to act quickly if you want to file a lawsuit. The statute of limitations may bar you from taking legal action if you wait too long.
Frequent Stops
Dump trucks often make frequent stops. Whether they need to pick up loads, dump existing ones, or simply pull over for a break, you can never really predict what a dump truck is going to do next. This unpredictability means that drivers often have a difficult time avoiding dump trucks. In many cases, this can lead to crashes, especially when dump trucks suddenly come to a stop in the middle of a road. Often, these unpredictable dump trucks are operating on roads where the average speed is much higher.
Unbalanced and Improper Loads

In addition, dump trucks often carry improperly loaded cargo. This cargo often comprises trash, construction materials, and other detritus that have been thrown into the dump truck with no second thought. Often, dump trucks leave construction sites overburdened or imbalanced due to the haphazard way they have been loaded. Trash, chunks of concrete, shards of metal, and other objects can fall off the back of a dump truck when it is filled to the brim. These objects can impact innocent motorists, causing injuries, property damage, and even death.
Enlist the Help of a Qualified Attorney Today
If you’ve been searching for a qualified, experienced truck accident attorney in Daytona Beach, look no further than Pappas & Russell, P.A. We have plenty of experience with traffic injury lawsuits, including those that involve truck accidents. With our help, you can hold negligent truck drivers and operators accountable for your injuries. More importantly, we can also help you get hold of a settlement that’ll cover your medical expenses, missed wages, and any other damages you might have incurred. Book your consultation today.
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