Woman Damages $350K Worth Of Items In Ex’s Home
As the saying goes, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. But, few take this saying literally and most wouldn’t do what 61-year-old Long Island, New York, resident chose to back on August 20, 2015. Last week, Rockman turned herself in to the police after a warrant for her arrest was issued for a crime she committed nearly two years ago. Perhaps a moment of delirium overtook the divorcee when she decided to seek revenge on her ex-husband by breaking into his home and destroying high value items. The original investigation was performed by The New York State Police BCI in Kingston. The department was assisted by the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Unit, the New York State Intelligence Center, and the Town of Woodstock Police Department.

Back in the summer of 2015, Rockman, in a mad fury, gained entry to her ex’s home and began destroying his appliances, antiques, electronics, musical instruments, artwork and many other personal belongings of particular sentimental value. Responding investigators discovered immediately that someone had forced entry to the residence and damaged the personal property of the owner. They would later discover that someone was a crazed ex-wife. The total property damage amounted to a whopping $350,000. In hindsight, Rockman probably wishes she had chosen to annihilate cheaper household items.
Rockman was was arraigned in the Town of Woodstock Court before Town Judge Richard Husted and ultimately released from jail on $5,000 bail after she was ordered to surrender her passport. However, the woman still faces felony second degree criminal mischief and burglary charges. Mischief is defined an offense against property that typically involves any damage, defacement, alteration, or destruction of property. Under New York state law, the property damage offense of criminal mischief if separated into four felony classifications and misdemeanor charges. The cost of the damage and the means of destruction are the key factors in determining the severity of a criminal mischief charge. At best, Rockman will have to pay fines or serve probation. At the very worst, she will do lengthy prison time. Sometimes, when individuals engage in property vandalism, the offenders are asked to clean up their messes. This is referred to as restitution, which is likely not possible in Rockman’s case.

The fact that Rockman vandalized the most high priced items in the home may be the ultimate deciding factor in her case. However, her decision to turn herself in was considered an act of altruism, which may save her from receiving the maximum sentence. This decision will be considered by the court. The homeowner and victim, Rockman’s ex-husband, may also choose to pursue civil action separately. If he chooses to do so, charges in the civil matter may compensate for items not able to be restored through any restitution order issued. Whether he will choose to do so is yet to be determined.
Ex-Wife Arrested for Criminal Mischief and Causing $350K Damage
Long Island Woman Arrested for Damaging Home in Woodstock, Ny
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