News & Politics

Limited Government Agriculture Scorecard Launched by American Family Farmers

First-of-its-kind tool holds lawmakers accountable to farmers, ranchers, and rural communities fighting corporate capture and foreign multinational control of U.S. government agencies.

Lawsuits & Litigation

Federal Appeals Court Shuts Down Challenge Against Texas Foster Care System

“The above excerpts show that the judge exhibits a sustained pattern, over the course of months and numerous hearings, of disrespect for the Defendants and their counsel, but no such attitude toward the Plaintiffs’ counsel,” the appeals court wrote. “The judge’s demeanor exhibits a ‘high degree of antagonism,’ calling into doubt at least ‘the appearance of fairness’ for the state Defendants.”

Lawsuits & Litigation

UCLA Alumnus, Lecturer File Lawsuit Demanding California Schools Let Undocumented Students Work

“As an undocumented undergraduate student at the University of California, I experienced firsthand the pain and difficulty of being denied the right to on-campus employment,” plaintiff Jeffry Umana Munoz said in a statement. “Losing these opportunities forced me to extremely precarious and dangerous living situations, always moments from housing and food insecurity.”